
The CyberAudit-Web Enterprise Toolbar

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..//assets/img/kb/tool.png The CyberAudit-Web Enterprise toolbar


The toolbar is used to perform common operations on the component lists in CyberAudit-Web Enterprise. Button visibility and availability will vary depending on the selections and status of the list and the permissions of the administrator. The table below indicates the specific operations each button performs.

add.gif Adds a new item to the list
delete.gif Removes selected item(s) from the system.
remove.gif Hides the selected item(s) so they are no longer visible from that node and any subordinate nodes.
cut.gif Cuts the selected items to enable moving them to another node or subsystem.
copy.gif Copies the selected items to enable granting visibility to another node. It may also be used to copy administrator permissions for the purpose of pasting them to another node.
paste.gif Enables pasting the copied or cut items to grant visibility to a subordinate node, for moving items from one subsystem to another, or granting permissions to a subordinate node.
printer.svg On most pages this button generates a printable report of the current page. on the People list page it enables a people report options dialog.
Expands or contracts a list to use more or less of the available screen width.

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