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..//assets/img/kb/note.png Notebook

notebook view

The Notebook feature allows users to manage notes on physical items in the system. These notes are viewable to any users that have visibility to the particular item. Notes can have a photo and can be assigned a Notebook Category. Click here for more information about how to configure Notebook preferences in Global Preferences page.

  • Note: This column has the text of the note itself.
  • image.png: This icon indicates the note has an attached picture.
  • Note Taker: This column has the name of the person who last modified the note. This person is based on the person associated with the currently used login or the person associated with the mobile device.
  • Category: This column has the category of the note. Category options can be modified in the Global Preferences section.
  • Created: This column has the date/time value of when the note was first created.
  • Modified: This column has the date/time value of when the note was last modified.
notebook edit

Notes can be added by clicking the notebook add note icon icon on the top right of the page. They may optionally be edited or deleted from Notebook global preferences. Edit a note by clicking on a row and selecting the notebook edit note icon icon. Delete a note by clicking on a row and selecting the notebook delete note icon icon.

Notes may also be added using the CAW Connect, CyberAudit Link and FlashLock Assistant mobile apps. The latter two apps must be bound to a person in order to show the feature and identify the note taker.

The mobile apps enable capturing photo with each note. They may also capture a geographic location for the note if the system has the Maps and Location Graphics SEM.

notebook filter Notes can be filtered by using the side panel. Supported filter actions include:
  • Person Name
  • Note Category
  • Start Date on or After
  • Stop date on or Before

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