
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for an Account

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Enabling Two-Factor Authentication for an Account

If the system has the Advanced Security Features SEM and Advanced Security Features is enabled for the account, Two-Factor Authentication may be enabled at the account or database level. Once it is enabled, each administrator in the account must enable Two-Factor Authentication for themselves by a specified date.

1 Select Global Prefs. from the Options menu.
2 If Two-Factor Authentication is enabled for the account, there will be a Two-Factor Authentication tab. Click it.
3 Click ENABLE 2FA
4 All administrators for an account must enable Two-Factor Authentication for themselves. If their login has not enabled it and set up a device, they will not be permitted to log in.

CyberAudit-Web allows setting a grace period during which it will post a banner for the user to enable it. A date chooser on this page enables setting that grace period. The date may be modified later if desired.

Click CONTINUE when a date has been selected.
Two-Factor Authentication is now enabled for the account. All administrators must enable it for their login by the implementation date shown. To change the implementation date, select another date and click SAVE. twoFactorGlobalComplete.png

Additional Topics:
About Two-Factor Authentication in CyberAudit-Web
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication in the Manage Section
Two Factor Authentication Account Options
Enabling Two Factor Authentication for an Administrator
Two-Factor Authentication Support Operations
The Two-Factor Authentication command line utility

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