
Designating a Lost Fob with Disabling Points

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..//assets/img/kb/lost.png Designating a Lost Fob with Disabling Points

When a fob is lost, it may be designated as lost in CyberAudit-Web. Doing so tells CyberAudit-Web to disable that fob if it is programmed.

1 Find the fob in the Fobs window, click on its row, and choose "Properties."
2 Click the edit icon for the Lost Fob section of the Properties page.
3 Select the "This fob is Lost" option. Then choose which locks should be set as disabling points. By default, all locks are available to set as disabling points. Checking the box to only include accessible locks reduces the list to only the locks the fob can open. When the fob contacts one of these disabling locks, the fob is denied access and becomes disabled for all of its access permissions.
4 Click "Save".
5 The fob is now marked as lost. If it is programmed, it will be disabled.
6 If the fob was not already replaced, a new fob may be assigned.
7 Lost fobs have a red circle with a line through it in the Fobs window.
8 Use FlashLock Assistant to program FlashLocks designated as disable points. The change icons will clear for the disabling point FlashLocks.
9 If the fob is updated, the change icon will clear on the Fobs listing page and the fob is disabled.

Additional Notes:

  • If a fob is found again, the key may be removed from a lock's disable list. When all locks are cleared for that key, the key may be used again in the system.
  • FlashLocks with that key in their disabling list must be reprogrammed to remove that key. Otherwise, the fob will become disabled again when it communicates with one of those locks.
  • Follow this same procedure to designate a fob as  not lost.

Additional links

About FlashLocks
How Do FlashLocks Work?
Links for Flash Access
The Flash Access App
Access Codes and Lock Tags in FlashLocks
About FlashLock Fobs
Adding FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLocks Listing Page
FlashLock Properties
Fobs Listing Page
Fob General Information
Fob Expiration
Email Expiration Settings for Fobs About to Expire
FlashLock Assistant Applications
Adding a Portable Link for FlashLock Assistant
Programming and Downloading FlashLocks and Fobs
Audit Trails from FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLock Communication Logs
Fob Communication Logs
FlashLock Admin Lock Mode

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