
FlashLock Properties

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..//assets/img/kb/flashlock-marker.png FlashLock Properties

This page displays the properties for an individual FlashLock and allows them to be edited. FLProperties.png
  • If any user-defined fields have been created for locks, they will display here.
  • Battery - CyberAudit-Web records when a FlashLock is added to the system and can also capture when the battery was last changed. Check the box in this page to Enter a new date for the battery change and enter a day, month, and year. This date may also be updated using the FlashLock Assistant applications.

    A notification may be sent as a reminder to check or change the FlashLock's battery after a designated amount of time.
  • Reset - Checking this box tells CyberAudit-Web that the FlashLock is to be reset. Resetting clears all access codes from the lock so it may be removed from one system and added to another. Resetting a FlashLock does not clear flash access codes or audit trail from the lock.
  • Lock will beep twice when access is granted to a flash pattern - A FlashLock can emit two beeps with successful flash access. The beeping may be helpful to indicate to the user the lock is ready to open. This option does not appear on padlocks because padlocks do not have a beeper.

  • Timezone - The timezone is used to determine when a flash access request is within the time frames of an access schedule.
  • Reminder - Granting Flash Access is a convenient way to grant access to a FlashLock. It is especially helpful when granting temporary access to people who do not regularly use the lock.

    A reminder may be enabled for each FlashLock to re-lock it after it has been opened. It may have a message suitable for the lock and its location with a short set of instructions. You may include a link to the context help article about the home page with this link.
    https://{your server url}/CyberAuditWeb/help/ShowTopic.act?helpID=793#homePosition
    Note: The link in this article goes to If your users are on the internet, that link is reachable. Otherwise, substitute the URL of your server.
    The notification will be sent sent to the person who requested Flash Access to the lock the indicated amount of time after the request. If text messaging is enabled for the system and the person has a mobile number the reminder will be sent by text message. If not, it will fall back to sending the reminder by email.

    If the person reports they have failed to open the lock, the reminder will be cancelled.

  • Tag information is also displayed on this page. Use the item chooser to add or remove association to tags.

  • Geographic Location - If the system has been enhanced with the Maps and Location Graphics SEM, a geolocation may be entered here for the FlashLock. Degrees of latitude or longitude may be entered with a precision of up to 11 decimal places.

Additional links

About FlashLocks
How Do FlashLocks Work?
Links for Flash Access
The Flash Access App
Access Codes and Lock Tags in FlashLocks
About FlashLock Fobs
Adding FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLocks Listing Page
Fobs Listing Page
Fob General Information
Fob Expiration
Email Expiration Settings for Fobs About to Expire
Designating a Lost Fob with Disabling Points
FlashLock Assistant Applications
Adding a Portable Link for FlashLock Assistant
Programming and Downloading FlashLocks and Fobs
Audit Trails from FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLock Communication Logs
Fob Communication Logs
FlashLock Admin Lock Mode

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