
Adding FlashLocks and Fobs

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Adding FlashLocks and Fobs

FL-M4-200W.png      FK-01-150W.png

..//assets/img/kb/flashlock-marker.png Manually Adding a FlashLock

To add a FlashLock, select FlashLocks from the Locks menu. This will bring up the FlashLock listing page. select.FlashLocks.png
Click add.gif from the toolbar to add a new record.
Enter the serial number of the FlashLock and give it a name.

The option Lock will beep twice when access is granted to a flash pattern only appears for FlashLocks which are not padlocks (part number FL-PL). FlashLock padlocks have serial numbers beginning with 'e20'.

FlashLocks have a clock for recording flash access events. A a timezone offset is needed when access is limited to the time frames of a schedule.

Assiging lock tags to the FlashLock at this time will ensure the FlashLock will be programmed with the access codes required by fobs and CyberKey Flash that have permissions to access those tags.
Click btnSave.png to save the new FlashLock record. Then follow the instructions to program the FlashLock.

..//assets/img/kb/fob.png Manually Adding a Fob

To add a fob, select Fobs from the Keys menu. This will bring up the Fobs listing page. select.Fobs.png
Click add.gif from the toolbar to add a new record.
fobAddNew.png Enter the serial number of the fob and give it a name.

If desired, change the subsystem for the fob.

Finally, a key template may be chosen for either the fob's initial or linked settings to set its expiration rules .
Click btnSave.png to save the new fob record. Then follow the instructions to program the fob.

..//assets/img/kb/arrow_both.png Adding FlashLocks and Fobs using Portable Links

FlashLocks and Fobs may be added to the CyberAudit-Web system using one of the FlashLock Assistant apps.

Fobs can also be added with either the CyberLink 2 Windows program or the CyberAudit-Link mobile apps.
New, unprogrammed FlashLocks and fobs may simply be presented to portable link. The server will return an unknown device response, which will cause the app to prompt for a login number. This identifies who is adding the FlashLock or fob, verifies whether they have the required permissions, and which administrator nodes will have visibility.

FlashLocks and unknown fobs are not added to the system when presented. Instead, the portable link will show an error. To move a FlashLock from one system to another, the FlashLock must be reset and programmed to remove all access codes.

Additional links

About FlashLocks
How Do FlashLocks Work?
Links for Flash Access
The Flash Access App
Access Codes and Lock Tags in FlashLocks
About FlashLock Fobs
FlashLocks Listing Page
FlashLock Properties
Fobs Listing Page
Fob General Information
Fob Expiration
Email Expiration Settings for Fobs About to Expire
Designating a Lost Fob with Disabling Points
FlashLock Assistant Applications
Adding a Portable Link for FlashLock Assistant
Programming and Downloading FlashLocks and Fobs
Audit Trails from FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLock Communication Logs
Fob Communication Logs
FlashLock Admin Lock Mode

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