
Access Codes and Lock Tags in FlashLocks

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..//assets/img/kb/accessCode.png Access Codes and Lock Tags in FlashLocks

Access codes for FlashLocks are automatically generated by the CyberAudit-Web system. Each FlashLock gets a distinct access code. This access code is used by fobs, CyberKey Flash and CyberKey Air2 to gain access to the FlashLock when the FlashLock is paired with a schedule in the access matrix.

FlashLocks that are members of lock tags get an additional access code for each lock tag. Each lock tag access code is generated from CyberAudit-Web's cryptographic strength random number generator and must be programmed into all FlashLocks which are members of that tag. This means wnen a FlashLock is added to a lock tag, it must be programmed with the access code for that tag. FlashLocks may belong to a maximum of 8 lock tags.

When a fob or CyberKey Flash or CyberKey Air2 is granted access to a lock tag in the access matrix it gets an entry for the lock tag paired with a schedule in its lock list. It can then access all FlashLocks that are members of that tag. In addition, the fob or CyberKey will be able to access FlashLocks added to that tag at a later time without the need to update to get new access permissions for that individual FlashLock.

The table below summarizes when a FlashLock, fob or CyberKey must be programmed when lock tags are used with FlashLocks.

Example Fob or CyberKey Programming Required FlashLock Programming Required
Access to a lock tag is granted to or revoked from a fob or CyberKey Flash tick.png  
A FlashLock is added to or removed from a lock tag   tick.png

Additional links

About FlashLocks
How Do FlashLocks Work?
Links for Flash Access
The Flash Access App
About FlashLock Fobs
Adding FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLocks Listing Page
FlashLock Properties
Fobs Listing Page
Fob General Information
Fob Expiration
Email Expiration Settings for Fobs About to Expire
Designating a Lost Fob with Disabling Points
FlashLock Assistant Applications
Adding a Portable Link for FlashLock Assistant
Programming and Downloading FlashLocks and Fobs
Audit Trails from FlashLocks and Fobs
FlashLock Communication Logs
Fob Communication Logs
FlashLock Admin Lock Mode

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