
Lock tags and how they work

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Lock tags and how they work


The lock tag is an easy way to identify and mark your CyberLocks in the Cyber Audit web system.


What is a lock tag?


A lock tag adds your lock to a list that is easy to recognize and can be used to provide access.


To create a new lock tag, you choose "Lock Tag" from the Locks menu.


Click on the plus sign to add a new lock tag. Enter a name that is meaningful and easy to recognize. We recommend using the Static lock tag. Dynamic lock tags require more configuration to use and could lead to unwanted access changes.

Then add the locks that you want to tag.


Now that you have created a lock tag, it will appear towards the top of the list to provide access to keys. You won't need to add locks individually, but the lock tag.

You can also use the lock tag to make creating reports easier as well.


If you have further questions about the "Lock Tag," please create a ticket, and we will further assist.

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