
Location Graphics View

  • 0

..//assets/img/kb/locGfx.png Location Graphic View

The Location Graphic View page allows for read-only navigation of a Location Graphic. It displays icons of all the items placed on the graphic. The icons are as follows:

  • embed_clickMenu2.png - An embedded Location Graphic
  • cyberlock.png - CyberLock
  • door-marker.png Door
  • web-auth-marker.png Web Authorizer
  • web-station-marker.png WebStation
  • flex2-marker.png Flex Hub (including Vault 20 FX)

Hovering over an icon will display its name after a short delay. If geo-coordinates have been entered for the item, it will display them too.

Embedded Location Graphic - If the embedded Location Graphic icon is clicked then that Location Graphic is displayed.

Placed item - Clicking on the icon of a placed item brings up a menu of operations for the item.

Other controls

Zoom Controls - The + and - buttons are used to zoom in and out of the graphic.

Panning - The graphic may be panned by clicking and dragging any area of the graphic that isn't covered by an embedded Location Graphic or a placed Lock.

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