
Flex II System audit trail events

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..//assets/img/kb/date.png Flex II Audit Trail Events

Audit trail events below are for the Flex II System. Events for the original Flex system are here.

Flex II System Events

  Message Description Data
501 Software Update Failed The Flex II Controller hub retrieved a software update from the server but was unable to complete it. Software versions, Failure reason
502 Software Update Succeeded The Flex II Controller hub retrieved a software update from the server and successfully installed it. Software versions
503 Reset to Factory Settings A factory reset was executed from an instruction on a USB drive.  
504 System Startup The Flex II Controller hub successfully completed its startup process.  
505 Clock Corrected The Flex II hub received a command to adjust its clock. The data column indicates the number of seconds adjusted. A negative number indicates the clock was shifted backward. Number of seconds ahead or backward
506 Clock Unreliable The Real-Time Clock(RTC) on the Controller hub lost power and stopped running or is otherwise untrustworty. The RTC can continue to run for 24-48 hours when power is no longer supplied to the Controller hub.  
507 Low Memory The Flex II reached a threshold where memory is low. This can happen when available RAM drops below 25MB or available disk space drops below 200MB. Memory remaining of RAM, DISK
508 Memory Restored Free memory has been restored above one or more minimum threshold levels. Memory remaining of RAM, DISK
509 USB Flash Drive Detected A readable USB flash drive was inserted  
510 USB flash drive removed    
511 Diagnostic Files Saved When a FlexAssistant or server requests a diagnostic file or a writable USB drive is inserted into a USB port on the Controller hub, the hub will gather system logs to be used for diagnostic purposes. Location saved (server or USB)
512 Error Processing USB The Flex II hub was unable to process reading from or writing to a USB flash drive. Failure reason
513 Flex Assistant App Connected by USB The Flex Assistant app running on an Android device established a connection to the Flex II Controller hub.  
514 Configuration Applied The Flex II Controller read and applied a configuration from a USB drive or via the Flex Assistant app connected by USB.  
520 Connection Established to Server The Flex II Controller hub successfully connected to its CyberAudit-Web server after being offline.  
521 Connection to Server Lost The Controller hub connection to the CyberAudit-Web server was lost after being online.  
522 No Network Available The Controller hub is reporting the hub Ethernet port is not connected to a network. This would occur if no cable were connected or the cable is not connected to another networking device.  
523 Network Connection Restored The Controller is now connected to a networking device where it was not connected previously.  
524 Connection to Proxy Failed The Controller hub was unable to establish connection to the proxy server designated in Flex System Name and Network Settings . Failure reason
525 Connection Established to Proxy The Controller hub successfully connected to the proxy server designated in Flex System Name and Network Settings.  
526 Records Updated with Server The Flex II Controller hub successfully received all updated records from server. These records include door access permissions and CyberKey programming instructions. Number of records added, updated, and removed
527 Operating Parameters Updated The Flex II Controller hub successfully received and updated its operating parameters from the server. These include network settings, group configurations, I/O Connections, and triggers. Categories updated
528 Module Firmware Update Failed The Flex II Controller hub failed to update one of its connected modules with new firmware. Module Type, Address, Version Info
529 Module Firmware Update Succeeded The Flex II Controller hub updated a connected module with new firmware. Module Type, Address, Version Info
531 System Error The Flex II Controller hub captured and logged an error during its operations. Error category and detail

Flex II RFID and Keypad Events

  Message Description Data
532 Known RFID scan An RFID Access Card was read at an RFID reader and its serial was located in the Controller hub's memory. Person, Card Serial
533 Unknown RFID scan An RFID Access Card was read at an RFID reader but its serial was not located in the Controller hub's memory. Card Serial
534 Known Flash Pattern Scanned A Flex II FlashReader captured a known Flash Pattern to evaluate for granting access.  
535 Flash Pattern Not Found A Flex II FlashReader captured an unrecognized Flash Pattern.  
536 Keypad Input Received A mission number, issue number, door access number, or PIN was entered at a keypad or keyport. Number of digits captured
537 Bad PIN The user was prompted for a PIN but provided an invalid PIN that did not match the PIN on record for that user.  
538 New PIN Requested The user at a keypad display or keyport has been prompted to enter a new PIN.  
539 New PIN Captured The user successfully entered and confirmed a new PIN. Number of characters entered
540 PIN OK The user was prompted for a PIN and successfully matched the on record for that user. Number of characters entered
541 PIN Input Module Not Available The user was required to enter a PIN to program a key, but the module had no PIN input available.  
542 Special Keypad Input Three or fewer digits were entered and submitted from a keypad display or keyport. Digits entered
543 PIN Timeout The user was required to enter a PIN but did not do so before the Flex II Controller hub timed out waiting.  

Flex II CyberKey and Vault Events

  Message Description Data
547 Unknown key inserted A CyberKey was inserted into a vault or keyport that is not on the system's list of known keys. Key serial
548 Valid CyberKey Inserted Into Vault A CyberKey was inserted that is associated with the vaults of the controller. Person (if available) and Key serial
549 Invalid CyberKey inserted Into Vault The CyberKey inserted into the Vault is not on the list of valid CyberKeys for the vault. Key serial
550 CyberKey Inserted Into Keyport A CyberKey was inserted into a Flex Keyport or Web Authorizer Keyport. Person (if available) and Key serial
552 Key Downloaded The audit trail was captured from a CyberKey. Person (if available) and Key serial
553 Key Configured by Server The Flex hub gave the CyberKey an updated configuration and set of access permissions retrieved from the server. Person (if available) and Key serial
554 Key Disabled The ability to open CyberLocks was removed from the key. Person (if available) and Key serial
555 Key Configured The Flex hub gave the CyberKey an updated configuration and set of access permissions. Person (if available) and Key serial
556 CyberKey Firmware Updated The Flex hub updated the firmware or software in a CyberKey Key serial, Error (if the firmware updated failed)
557 Key Comm Failed Communications with the CyberKey failed. Ensure all contacts are clean and key is properly seated in the vault or keyport. Key serial
558 CyberKey Removed The CyberKey was removed from a keyport or vault.  
559 Out of Schedule for Vault A person attempted to check out a CyberKey from a vault during a time outside of their scheduled time frames for the vaults connected to the Flex Controller or its Expanders. Person
561 Requested Mission Already Checked Out All checked-out missions are tracked. Communicators will not issue a second CyberKey for the same mission. CyberAudit-Web also updates all Flex hubs, Web Authorizers, and ValidiKeys in the system when a mission is checked out from anywhere in the system. Person and Mission
562 Issue/Mission # Not Found Neither the hub nor the server found an issue or mission number matching the one entered at the keypad or keyport. # entered
563 Request to Open Vault An Input # or RFID card scan matched the valid Open Vault criteria. Input type (keypad or RFID)
565 Access Granted to Vault The latch on a vault was released. Person (if available), vault name
566 Vault Opened The lid was removed from a weatherized vault Person (if available), vault name
567 Vault Latched The lid of a weatherized vault was returned to the latched position. vault name
570 No Permission for Vault The person for the RFID access card or mission number was known but had no permission to access the vaults on the Flex II hub. Person
571 No Empty Vault No empty vault is available to return a checked out mission Person

Flex II Door and Input Events

  Message Description Data
572 Access Granted - Door Lock Released   Person (if available)
573 Request to Exit RTE input signal received from a button connected in the same group as the door Door name
574 Door Closed A door sensor changed to the closed position. Door name
575 Door Opened A door sensor changed to the open position. Door name
576 Begin "Keep Unlocked" Schedule The keep unlocked schedule has begun or the first person has been granted access. The door latch is being held open. Door name
577 "Keep Unlocked" Schedule End The "Keep Unlocked" schedule ended or the server sent a command to stop holding the door open. The door latch is now locked. Door name
578 Door Opened Without Access Permissions A door sensor indicates the door changed to the open position without any access granted permissions or hold open schedule. Door name
579 RTE Denied A Request-to-Exit was received during an active inter-hub signal response that did not allow RTE. Door name
580 Door Left Open Too Long A door left open too long triggered this event. Door name
581 Door Lock Activated This event indicates the door has either returned to the locked position after access was granted or held-unlocked or is following an instruction to lock a door for an inter-hub signal Door name
582 No Door Access Permissions Found A person was identified but there were no corresponding door access permissions found. Person
583 Door Access Out of Schedule A person attempted to access a door outside of their scheduled access time frames for the door. Person. A note of 'Flash Access' is shown if access was denied via Flash Access.
584 Access Attempted During IHS Lockdown A person has attempted access to a door when an active Inter-hub signal is holding the door locked. Person
585 Remote Request to Open Generated A remote Request to Open was generated by the CyberAudit-Web server to open a door. Person
586 Remote Request to Open Received The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the CyberAudit-Web server to open a door. Person
587 Unknown Door Access Number Neither the Flex II Controller hub nor the server found a door access number matching the one entered at the keypad. number entered
588 Cancel "Keep Unlocked" for Schedule Command Received The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the server to cancel a "Keep Unlocked" state for the duration of the "Keep Unlocked" schedule time frame.  
589 Cancel "Keep Unlocked" for the Remainder of the Day The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the server to cancel a "Keep Unlocked" state through the day.  
590 Cancel "Keep Unlocked" Until First Person In The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the server to cancel a "Keep Unlocked" state. The next authorized access can resume "Keep Unlocked".  
591 Deadbolt locked by keycode The Flex II controller slid the deadbolt on a Deadbolt door type to the locked position in response to 543# being entered at Flex System FlashReader Keypad or a Gen 2 Web Authorizer Keyport. Door name
592 IHS Button Pressed Ah IHS button connected to the Flex II Controller hub or one of its modules was pressed.  
593 IHS Received An Inter-Hub Signal was received via network or via button press on the local Controller hub. Name of IHS and Sender
594 IHS Response Ended The Inter-Hub Signal response on the hub served its duration or was cancelled by the server. Cause of ending
596 Access Denied - Man Trap Access was attempted on a door which may not be opened because the other door of a man trap pair was open. The open door in the man trap pair
597 RTE Attempted During Man Trap Request to Open was attempted on a door which may not be opened because the other door of a man trap pair was open. The open door in the man trap pair
598 Unable to lock deadbolt(door not closed) The Flex II controller did not slide a deadbolt on a Deadbolt door type to the locked position because a door sensor on the door indicated the door was not in the closed position. Door name
599 Door locking failed (lock still open) A lock sensor on a Deadbolt door type indicates the bolt is not in the locking position when it should be. A likely cause for this is an obstruction preventing the bolt from returning to the locked position. It may also be caused by a simple failure to move the bolt to the locking position. Door name
600 Deadbolt Line Open The optional Deadbolt input was toggled open.  
601 Deadbolt Line Closed The optional Deadbolt input was toggled closed.  
602 Generic Button Pressed The optional Generic Button input was pressed  
603 Generic Switch Closed The optional Generic Switch input was closed  
604 Generic Switch Opened The optional Generic Switch input was opened  
605 Generic Button 2 Pressed The optional Generic Button 2 input was pressed  
607 Generic Switch 2 Closed The optional Generic Switch 2 input was closed  
608 Generic Switch 2 Opened The optional Generic Switch 2 input was opened  
609 Tamper Monitor Closed The line on a Tamper input transitioned to low Name of Controller or Expander
610 Tamper Monitor Opened The line on a Tamper input transitioned to high Name of Controller or Expander
611 UPS Monitor Closed The line on a UPS input transitioned to low Name of Controller or Expander
612 UPS Monitor Opened The line on a UPS input transitioned to high Name of Controller or Expander
613 Aux Input Closed The line on an Aux input transitioned to low Name of Controller or Expander
614 Aux Input Opened The line on an Aux input transitioned to high Name of Controller or Expander
615 Flash Access to Door Granted Offline Flash Access was granted to the door using access cached in the Flash Access app Person
616 Door Flash Access Out of Schedule - Offline Flash access was denied to the person because it was requested outside of the scheduled access time frames for the door using cached access in the Flash Access app. Person
617 User Confirms Door Flash Access Succeeded The user responded 'Yes' on the browser or Flash Access app and confirmed access to the door was successful. Person
618 User Reports Door Flash Access Failed The user responded 'No' on the browser or Flash Access app and reported they were not able to gain access to the door. Person
619 Door Flash Access Approved The user requested Flash Access from the browser or Flash Access app and a flash pattern was sent to the user to open the door. Person
620 IHS Cancel Received An Inter-Hub signal was canceled via network or via button press on the local Controller hub. Name of IHS and Sender
621 Bluetooth, NFC, or IR Access Failed The Flex II hub reported an error condition to the IR, NFC, or Bluetooth device. Person (if known),
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID,
Error reported
622 Bluetooth, NFC, or IR Access Approved An access request from Bluetooth, NFC, or IR immediately met access criteria. No PIN required. Person,
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID
623 Door Credential Type Not Allowed The door credential presented is not enabled in door properties. Person (if known),
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID
624 Bluetooth, NFC, or IR Access Pending PIN Access is approved pending entry of the correct PIN Person,
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID
625 Unknown person or device Information for the person or device presented is not found in the Flex hub cache Person (if known),
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID
626 Wrong Access Code for Door A code generated on the server for this door was not matched Person (if known),
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID
627 Cache Expired The Flex II has been offline too long and will not try to look in its cache for access permissions. Cache expiration is based on settings on this page. Person (if known),
Device Type (B=Bluetooth, N=NFC tag emulation, H=NFC HCE, I=IR),
Device ID
628 IHS Card Scan The Flex II received a card scan to start/stop an Inter Hub Signal. Name of Inter Hub Signal, Card ID
629 IHS Input Number The Flex II received digit input at a keypad to start/stop an Inter Hub Signal. Name of Inter Hub Signal, digits input
630 Unknown IHS Input Number The Flex II received an unknown input number for an Inter Hub Signal. Digits input
631 Trigger executed All criteria for a trigger were met and the Flex II controller executed the trigger Trigger name:
IHS sent: (if applicable)
632 Trigger not executed An event that starts a trigger was captured but not all criteria for the trigger were satisfied Trigger name:

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