
CyberKey and CyberLock audit trail events

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..//assets/img/kb/date.png Audit Trail Events from CyberKeys

CyberLock Events Cyber Access Events

  Event Description
1 Reset For keys manufactured after October 2008 this is a non-power related CPU reset. For keys manufactured before that time it is a general reset that applies to all the categories shown below as event -3 to -22.
2 Multi-key access key 1 The first key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
3 Multi-key access key 2 The second key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
4 Multi-key access key 3 The third key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
5 Multi-key access key 4 The fourth key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
6 Authorized to open *
8 Authorized to open (bypass multikey) Lock has a multi-key setting bypassed from instruction in schedule.
8 Authorized to open (bypass delay) Lock has a delay setting bypassed from instruction in schedule.
8 Authorized to open (b) Lock had no multi-key or delay setting when key was configured. Key was configured to bypass multi-key or delay for this lock.
7 Master key authorized *
9 Programmer or No-Open contact Programmer contact -or- Contact with lock using a No-Open schedule. Key beeped 3 times.
10 Lock reset attempted Subsystem reset keys or Gen2 CyberKeys with CyberLocks in Gen 2 mode only.
11 Unprogrammed lock - authorized If a key is operating within its key schedule (i.e. not expired) and if the key is not disabled, it is automatically authorized to open a lock that is not programmed.
12 No lock ID - authorized This event should never occur. It indicates that the lock was not set up with an ID. It cannot be programmed and will not function in a CyberAudit system.
13 Key in lock more than 1 minute -or- removed from lock Keys in a subsystem may be configured to report all "removed from lock" events. The message text will depend on this setting
14 Access code failed This message will occur if:
  • A lock contains different access codes than expected by the database because it has been moved to or from a different database.
  • The lock has been updated with new access codes but the key has not.
  • The lock does not contain the access code that a master key is programmed to use.
15 Key authorization blocked by lock The key has been disabled either by:
  1. The lock because the key was designated as "lost" and the lock was designated as a disabling point or
  2. Disabled when updating and removed from the communicator before updating was complete.
16 Hardware mismatch - access denied This event indicates:
  • A manufacturing difference between lock and key. As of this writing, there have been no such differences created.
  • A Gen 1 CyberKey attempting to open a CyberLock that's in Gen 2 mode
  • Corruption in communications between the CyberKey and the CyberLock
17 Out of schedule for lock The key found the lock ID in its lock list but the time of contact with the lock was not during the associated schedule valid operating time.
  • the time frame did not match the current time
  • the day did not match the current day
  • it is before the schedule is to begin
  • the schedule has expired
18 Key expired or out of schedule If it is a master key, it could generate this event if:
  • the key schedule time frame did not match the current time
  • the key schedule day did not match the current day
  • it is before the key is to begin operating
  • the key has expired
19 Access Denied - No Permissions The ID of the Lock was not found in the key's lock list.
20 Key disabled This is a special "out of schedule" condition set by communicators to disable a CyberKey when it is prompting for a PIN or returning a CyberKey to a Vault.
25 CyberKey programmed by Grand Master A Grand Master records this event when it programs an emergency key.
64 Generation 2 CyberKey error code A Generation 2 CyberKey recorded an error condition with an error code.
66 WiFi Network Connection Indicates an attempt by CyberKey Air to connect to a wifi network. Indicates an attempt, success, or failure to connect to either an adhoc or infrastructure wLAN.
67 Generation 2 Key Temporary Activation-CyberLock Indicates an expired Generation 2 CyberKey contacted a CyberLock or CyberPoint that extended its expiration for an amount of time.
80 CyberLock access denied - delayed activation A Generation 2 CyberKey contacted a lock or CyberPoint but the key's activation was delayed.
81 Lock activation completed-CyberLock A Generation 2 CyberKey contacted a lock or CyberPoint that met it's requirement for a delayed activation.
82 Mobile activation completed A Generation 2 CyberKey Blue 2, CyberKey Blue 3 or CyberKey Flash met a delayed activation requirement via its Bluetooth® connection.
83 Delayed activation completed A Generation 2 CyberKey met all of its requirements for delayed activation and was activated for use.
84 Deactivated by Bluetooth device A CyberKey Blue 2 or CyberKey Flash CyberKey received a deactivation command from an Android or iOS Bluetooth device and will not open locks until it is activated again using the Bluetooth device.
85 Bluetooth connection verified A CyberKey Blue 2 or CyberKey Flash CyberKey connected was verified to a permitted Android or iOS Bluetooth device.
86 Bluetooth disconnected A CyberKey Blue 2 or CyberKey Flash CyberKey disconnected from a verified Android or iOS Bluetooth device.
87 Parameters denied by lock Access to the lock was denied because the access parameters sent to the CyberLock in Gen2 mode did not meet the lock's requirements.
88 Corrupt cyberLock memory The CyberLock reported memory corruption. If this error is repeatable a CyberLock Programmer II may be used to reset and reprogram the lock.
89 Incompatible lock setting A Gen2 CyberKey or CyberLock Programmer II attempted to program a CyberLock in Gen2 mode with invalid settings from the server.
90 No Access Code for lock The Gen 2 CyberKey has the correct access permissions but does not have an access code to open the lock.
91 Multi-key wrong lock A Gen2 CyberKey is already authorized to open a multi-key CyberLock but touched a different CyberLock. Access is denied.
92 Multi-key wrong key A Gen2 CyberKey touched a CyberLock that has authorized a different CyberKey for multi-key access. Access is denied.
93 Access Code Mismatch A Gen2 CyberKey is authorized to open a CyberLock that's in Gen2 mode but the lock is currently in Gen1 mode.
   The following events are associated with IR access to FlashLocks and CyberLock Blue
117 Out of schedule for lock The Gen2 CyberKey found the lock ID in its lock list but the time of contact with the lock was not during the associated schedule valid operating time.
  • the time frame did not match the current time
  • the day did not match the current day
  • it is before the schedule is to begin
  • the schedule has expired
118 Key expired or out of schedule This event could occur if:
  • it is before the key is to begin operating
  • the key has expired
If it is a master key, it could also generate this event if:
  • the key schedule time frame did not match the current time
  • the key schedule day did not match the current day
119 Access Denied - No Permissions The ID of the lock was not found in the key's lock list.
120 Key is disabled When the CyberKey attempted to open the lock it immediately failed because the key was previously disabled by a CyberLock or communicator.
130 Lock comm failed A CyberKey or fob found a lock but failed to establish communications with it.
131 No Lock found A CyberKey or fob failed to find a lock within its eight second search time.
133 Access granted to Lock *
135 Access denied by Lock This may occur for one of two reasons:
  • The CyberKey or the fob is in the list of lost keys in the lock
  • An incorrect access code was attempted
137 Out of schedule for Lock The fob found the lock ID in its lock list but the time of contact with the lock was not during the associated schedule valid operating time.
  • the time frame did not match the current time
  • the day did not match the current day
  • it is before the schedule is to begin
  • the schedule has expired
138 Access denied - no permisssions The ID of the lock was not found in the fob's lock list.
141 Lock is not programmed The lock granted access to the CyberKey or fob but the lock has not been programmed with its access code and is not secured.
   The following CyberKey events are associated with IR access to doors
150 Door IR Access Error A CyberKey Flash, CyberKey Air2, or CyberKey Blue 3 attempted access by sending an IR signal to a FlashReader or FlashReader Keypad and received an error. Error numbers are as follows:
  • 1 - Not Ready
  • 9 - Reader Timeout
  • 15 - Unsupported Algorithm
  • 17 - Door Not Set Up
  • 3-8 - Bad Command
  • 10 - Flex II Timeout
  • 16 - Unknown Error
  • 151 No credentials for IR door access IR access requires the CyberKey to have credentials. If no credentials have been loaded into the key, this event will occur when a reader responds to an IR request.
    152 IR door access granted *
    153 Out of schedule for door The key holder has door access permission but not at the current time.
    154 No permission for door The person has no access permissions for the door.
    155 wrong access code for door The key presented an incorrect access code for the door. This could occur if the key does not belong to the system.
    156 Door lockdown The door is currently locked down via an inter-hub signal and does not permit access.
    157 Door clock unreliable Due to a power outage or hardware issue, the clock on the Flex II controller is not reliable and cannot grant access.
    158 Door cache expired The Flex II controller has been off line too long and has invalidated its cached records. Access is denied.
    159 Access approved - waiting for PIN IR access to the key has been approved pending a correct PIN entry.
    160 Key Expired or Out of Schedule (door) The CyberKey is expired or out of schedule. It may not be used to gain access to a door.
    161 Door access denied-Delayed Activation The CyberKey's activation is delayed and may not be used to gain access to a door.
    167 Geneneration 2 Key Temporary Activation-IR Indicates an expired Generation 2 CyberKey contacted a lock by IR that extended its expiration for an amount of time.
    180 Lock access denied-delayed activation A Generation 2 CyberKey attempted to open a lock but the key's activation was delayed.
    181 Lock activation completed-IR A Generation 2 CyberKey communicated with a lock that met it's requirement for a delayed activation.
    183 Delayed activation completed by IR A Generation 2 CyberKey met all of its requirements for delayed activation and was activated for use.
    184 CyberLock Blue Command Fail A Generation 2 CyberKey encountered an error when attempting to open a CyberLock Blue.
    185 Key Not Configured for CyberLock Blue A Generation 2 CyberKey must be issued to a person be programmed with a mission to open a CyberLock Blue. A disabled key or subsystem key cannot open a CyberLock Blue.
    -2 No Open Contact Contact with a CyberPoint or contact with a lock using a No-Open schedule.
    -3 Low Battery The key's battery was below its threshold during one of the key's periodic reads or during a lock opening. If the read was during a lock opening, the key emitted a low tone beep once every eight seconds for one minute. Lock column contains voltage data from battery and capacitor. Applies to Generation 1 CyberKey's manufactured after October 2008.
    -4 Dead Battery The battery voltage dropped below operating voltage during one of it periodic reads or during a lock opening. If the read was during a lock opening, the key emitted a single high tone beep followed by a low tone beep once every eight seconds for one minute. Lock column contains voltage data from battery and capacitor. Applies to Generation 1 CyberKeys manufactured after October 2008.
    -5 Scheduled Battery Reading The key reads and records its battery level daily, after midnight local time. Lock column contains voltage data from battery and capacitor. Applies to Generation 1 CyberKey's manufactured after October 2008.
    -6 Power restored When the key comes up from low or no voltage, the processor starts and triggers this event. Applies to Generation 1 CyberKey's manufactured after October 2008 and CyberKey X.
    -7 Power restored When the key comes up from low or no voltage, the processor starts and triggers this event. Applies to some Generation 1 CyberKey's .
    -9 E2 Access Failure to read memory. Applies to Generation 1 CyberKey's manufactured after October 2008.
    -10 Write Event Failed Failure to write to memory. Applies to Generation 1 CyberKey's manufactured after October 2008.
    -14 Bluetooth Init Fail CyberKey Blue failed to start its Bluetooth® engine
    -15 Format Dataflash CyberKey II formatted its audit trail data storage memory. This can occur with certain firmware updates.
    -17 Corrupt Key Event CyberKey II internal code found a problem with an audit trail event.
    -18 Corrupt RAM CyberKey II internal code found a problem with its code execution memory.
    -19 CyberKey II - Corrupt Dataflash CyberKey II internal code found a problem with its data storage memory.
    -20 Audit Trail Events Removed CyberKey II received an instruction to clear its audit trail data. This occurs after the key is downloaded and the data is captured in the communicator or by CyberAudit-Web.
    -22 Gen 2 Key Startup The Generation 2 CyberKey system has restarted. Battery voltage is measured at that time.

    Audit Trail Events from CyberLocks

    CyberKey Events
    Cyber Access Events

      Event Description
    34 Multi-key access key 1 The first key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
    35 Multi-key access key 2 The second key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
    36 Multi-key access key 3 The third key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
    37 Multi-key access key 4 The fourth key for multi-key access was accepted by the lock.
    38 Authorized to open *
    39 Master key authorized *
    40 Authorized to open (b) The key was granted access and no multi-key or delay lock setting was found.
    40 Authorized to open (bypass multikey) Lock had a multi-key setting which the key bypassed from an instruction in the schedule corresponding to the lock
    40 Authorized to open (bypass delay) Lock had a delay setting which the key bypassed from an instruction in the schedule corresponding to the lock
    41 Programmer or No-Open contact Programmer contact -or- Contact with lock using a No-Open schedule. Key beeped 3 times.
    42 Lock reset successful System reset keys only - if a reset key grants access but does not successfully reset the lock, the lock will record a "Master key authorized" event.
    43 Unprogrammed lock - authorized *
    44 No lock ID - authorized This event should never occur. It indicates that the lock was not set up with an ID. It cannot be programmed and will not function in a CyberAudit system.
    46 Access denied The lock reports this event when it receives a "bad access code." Keys in a subsystem may be set to generate"no access" events in locks they are not permitted to open. In those cases where access is denied, they send a "bad access code" to the lock to generate this event.
    47 Key authorization blocked The key has been disabled by the lock because the key was designated as "lost" and the lock was designated as a disabling point.
    48 Hardware mismatch - access denied This event should never occur. It indicates manufacturing difference between lock and key.
    51 CyberLock reset A Gen2 CyberLock was reset to an insecure state. This may occur as a first step when changing from Gen1 mode to Gen2 mode.
    65 Parameters denied Access to the lock was denied because the access parameters sent to the CyberLock in Gen2 mode did not meet the lock's requirements.
    70 Audit Trail Downloaded Audit trail data was downloaded from a CyberLock Blue using CyberLink or CyberAudit Link.
    71 Unprogrammed Lock - Access Granted An unprogrammed CyberLock Blue was opened by Cyber Access or by a CyberKey or fob.
    72 Access Granted to CyberKey or fob *
    73 Master Access Granted to CyberKey A CyberKey configured as a master key presented its master access code to open the CyberLock Blue.
    74 Mobile Access Granted The CyberLock Blue was opened by the Cyber Access app.
    75 Lock Closed The CyberLock Blue detected it returned to the secured position. This can only be detected on non-padlock models of CyberLock Blue. Padlock models will not report this event.
    76 Change Access Codes The Access Codes in the CyberLock Blue were updated from CyberLink or CyberAudit Link.
    77 Clear Access Codes Access Codes in the CyberLock Blue were cleared because the lock was reset.
    78 Lock Config Updated Settings other than Access Codes were updated in the CyberLock Blue by CyberLink or CyberAudit Link.
    79 Lost Key or Fob - Access Denied The key or fob has been disabled by CyberLock Blue because the key was designated as lost and the lock was designated as a disabling point.
    80 Access Codes Grace Expired Access Codes accompanied with an Old Password Valid Through> date have been invalidated because the expiration date of those passwords have passed.
    81 Knob Paired With Lock This event will occur when CyberLock Blue is programmed with a new subsystem code or when the knob is installed at the factory.
    83 Clock Set from Server The clock on the CyberLock Blue was set by CyberLink or CyberAudit Link and the time source came directly from the server.
    84 Minor Clock Adjustment Cyber Access found the clock on the CyberLock Blue was between 5 seconds and 1 hour off and adjusted it.
    85 Stopped Clock Set Cyber Access found the clock on the CyberLock Blue was stopped and set it.
    87 Power On / Reset The firmware in the CyberLock Blue restarted due to a power up or a reset.
    88 Daily Battery Check The CyberLock Blue records the result of a daily battery check among its daily tasks. It also checks whether any access codes have expired and should be disabled.
    90 Lock left open A non-padlock model of CyberLock Blue flashed its red LED and beeped to warn it was left open then timed out after five minutes.
    91 Re-lock failed (motor/sensor problem) The user returned the lock to the locking position but a motor or sensor problem prevented a secure lock. This should not occur.
    105 Programmer II download A CyberLock Programmer II downloaded a CyberLock.
    106 Programmer II config CyberLock Programmer II programmed a CyberLock.
    129 Gen2 lock begin config A CyberKey or CyberLock Programmer II has started programming a CyberLock in Gen 2 mode.
    130 Gen2 lock config completed A CyberKey or CyberLock Programmer II has successfully completed programming a CyberLock in Gen 2 mode.
    131 Gen2 lock downloaded A CyberKey or CyberLock Programmer II has completed downloading the audit trail data from a CyberLock in Gen 2 mode.
    132 Key out of schedule for lock The key found the lock ID in its lock list but the time of contact with the lock was not during the associated schedule valid operating time.
    • the time frame did not match the current time
    • the day did not match the current day
    • it is before the schedule is to begin
    • the schedule has expired
    133 Key expired or out of schedule If it is a master key, it could generate this event if:
    • the key schedule time frame did not match the current time
    • the key schedule day did not match the current day
    • it is before the key is to begin operating
    • the key has expired
    134 Key no permissions The ID of the Lock was not found in the key's lock list.
    -2 CyberPoint Contact All permitted contact with a CyberPoint will be seen as this event when the CyberPoint is downloaded.
    257 No overlap with previous lock download This will happen if the lock has rolled over since the last time it was downloaded. It indicates there is a gap in the data retrieved from the lock.
    999 Unknown lock event The captured event type is outside the list of known events from the CyberLock.

    Audit Trail Events from Cyber Access

    CyberKey Events
    CyberLock Events

    The Cyber Access app records audit events when interacting with the CyberLock Blue.

      Event Description
    301 Cyber Access - Authorized To Open Cyber Access was granted access to the CyberLock Blue
    302 Cyber Access - Access Denied - Unprogrammed Lock CyberLock Blue must be programmed with access codes to grant access to Cyber Access.
    303 Cyber Access - Out Of Schedule Cyber Access found the lock in its lock list but the time of contact with the lock was not during the associated schedule valid operating time.
    • the time frame did not match the current time
    • the day did not match the current day
    • it is before the schedule is to begin
    • the schedule has expired
    304 Cyber Access - Cache Expired CyberLock Blue permissions stored on the mobile device have expired.
    305 Cyber Access - Bad Access Code The access code used to attempt access was rejected by the CyberLock Blue.
    306 Cyber Access - Lock Closed Cyber Access captured a "closed" status from a non-padlock model CyberLock Blue.
    307 Cyber Access - No Lock Closed Received Cyber Access did not capture a "closed" status from a non-padlock model CyberLock Blue because Cyber Access timed out after four and on-half minutes or because the Bluetooth signal was lost.
    308 Cyber Access - Error The CyberLock Blue returned an error code to the Cyber Access app.
    309 Cyber Access - User Replied 'Yes' to Closing Lock The Cyber Access user pressed 'Yes' when prompted in a dialog if they closed the lock.
    310 Cyber Access - New PIN accepted The Cyber Access user set a new PIN.
    311 Cyber Access - Invalid PIN The Cyber Access user entered the wrong PIN.
    312 Cyber Access - Valid PIN The Cyber Access user entered the correct PIN.
    313 Cyber Access - Authorized To Open FlashBox Cyber Access was granted access to the FlashBox.
    314 Cyber Access - Access Denied - Unprogrammed FlashBox A FlashBox must be programmed with access codes to grant access to Cyber Access.
    315 Cyber Access - Out Of Schedule FlashBox Cyber Access was out of schedule for the FlashBox found on the server.
    • the time frame did not match the current time
    • the day did not match the current day
    • it is before the schedule is to begin
    • the schedule has expired
    WebStation 2 audit trail events
    Portable Link audit trail events
    Web Authorizer audit trail events
    LAN Authorizer audit trail events
    Flex System audit trail events
    Audit trails for Doors

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