
Journal of Changes

  • 0

..//assets/img/kb/report.png Journal of Changes

journal list

The journal of changes is a record of all changes that have been made to a CyberAudit-Web account. It includes...

  • Changes made through the interface.
  • Changes made in the background by the server.

Because the number of entries can grow quite large, a filter may be used to view only the entries of interest. That list of entries may be printed by

A Details clickmenu item is available for each journal entry. Clicking Details will bring up a slideshow page of more detailed information about the change that was made. For example, an edit operation will log the state of the item after the changes have been applied.

A slideshow icon slideshow.png will display the details of the first record with arrows to move from one record to the next.


printer.svg - Click this button to create a printable report for the current list.

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