Visibility and Subsystems
In the Cyber-Audit Web Software, your organization may be broken down into a hierarchy.
If you are an administrator, you will see all your CyberLocks and CyberKeys. You are at the top level, which has access to everything under it.
When you have subsystems or additional admin nodes, you will have to provide visibility to the locks. To provide visibility, check the lock to add and click on the Copy icon. Then go to the subsystem in the locks menu and click on the clipboard icon to paste. The system will confirm you wish to provide visibility for the locks.
The reason visibility is not automatic, it allows you to customize the visibility. This way they can see what you want them to see, in terms of the CyberLocks.
CyberKeys are different as they are assigned to an admin node or subsystem. Be mindful if you create a key template of what subsystem it has access to.
The lock access can be across systems as the locks are independent.
We will attempt to provide a visual representation of this.
Top-Level( AKA Default subsystem)
/ \
(subsystem)Node 1 Node 2
/ \
next level1 next level2
The subsystem you assign keys to is one of three options, default, Node 1, or Node 2. For our example here.
The users' permission is assigned based on if they are Top-level, Node 1, or Node 2. You can have more subsystems than shown.