
Door Audit Trail Events for a Flex II System

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..//assets/img/kb/date.png Door Audit Trail Events for a Flex II System

Door audit trail data is a subset of the data from a Flex II System hub. All events for the door's group are shown in a Door Access Report. The following events are shown in a Door Access Summary.

  Message Description Data
532 Known RFID scan An RFID Access Card was read at an RFID reader and its serial was located in the Controller hub's memory. Person, Card Serial
533 Unknown RFID scan An RFID Access Card was read at an RFID reader but its serial was not located in the Controller hub's memory. Card Serial
534 Flash Pattern Scanned A Flex II FlashReader captured a known Flash Pattern to evaluate for granting access.  
535 Flash Pattern Not Found A Flex II FlashReader captured an unrecognized Flash Pattern.  
532 Known RFID scan An RFID Access Card was read at an RFID reader and its serial was located in the Controller hub's memory. Person, Card Serial
533 Unknown RFID scan An RFID Access Card was read at an RFID reader but its serial was not located in the Controller hub's memory. Card Serial
534 Flash Pattern Scanned A Flex II FlashReader captured a known Flash Pattern to evaluate for granting access.  
535 Flash Pattern Not Found A Flex II FlashReader captured an unrecognized Flash Pattern.  
572 Access Granted - Door Lock Released   Person (if available)
573 Request to Exit RTE input signal received from a button connected in the same group as the door Door name
574 Door Closed A door sensor changed to the closed position. Door name
575 Door Opened A door sensor changed to the open position. Door name
576 Begin "Keep Unlocked" Schedule The keep unlocked schedule has begun or the first person has been granted access. The door latch is being held open. Door name
577 "Keep Unlocked" Schedule End The "Keep Unlocked" schedule ended or the server sent a command to stop holding the door open. The door latch is now locked. Door name
578 Door Opened Without Access Permissions A door sensor indicates the door changed to the open position without any access granted permissions or hold open schedule. Door name
579 RTE Denied A Request-to-Exit was received during an active inter-hub signal response that did not allow RTE. Door name
580 Door Left Open Too Long A door left open too long triggered this event. Door name
581 Door Lock Activated This event indicates the door has returned to the locked position after access was granted.  
582 No Door Access Permissions Found A person was identified but there were no corresponding door access permissions found. Person
583 Door Access Out of Schedule A person attempted to access a door outside of their scheduled access time frames for the door. Person
584 Access Attempted During IHS Lockdown A person has attempted access to a door when an active Inter-hub signal is holding the door locked. Person
585 Hold-Open or First Person In Canceled    
586 Remote Request to Open The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the CyberAudit-Web server to open a door.  
587 Unknown Door Access Number Neither the Flex II Controller hub nor the server found a door access number matching the one entered at the keypad. number entered
588 Cancel "Keep Unlocked" for Schedule Command Received The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the server to cancel a "Keep Unlocked" state for the duration of the "Keep Unlocked" schedule time frame.  
589 Cancel "Keep Unlocked" for the Remainder of the Day The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the server to cancel a "Keep Unlocked" state through the day.  
590 Cancel "Keep Unlocked" Until First Person In The Flex II Controller hub received a command from the server to cancel a "Keep Unlocked" state. The next authorized access can resume "Keep Unlocked".  
596 Access Denied - Man Trap Access was attempted on a door which may not be opened because the other door of a man trap pair was open. The open door in the man trap pair
597 RTE Attempted During Man Trap Request to Open was attempted on a door which may not be opened because the other door of a man trap pair was open. The open door in the man trap pair

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