
Door Tags

  • 0

..//assets/img/kb/tag.png Door Tags

Door tags are used to group Doors together for both management and function.


Table Fields:

  • Name - The name assigned to the Door tag.
  • Doors with this Tag - The number of Doors associated with the tag. Clicking this link will open the Doors list page with a filter applied so only the tagged Doors appear.
  • Matrix Items with Access - The count of People plus People Tags in the Access Matrix that have access to Doors with this tag. Clicking the link will generate a report listing the items who have access to the tagged Door(s) via schedule and tag.


  • Plus-button - Click to add a new Door tag.
  • printer.svg - Creates a printable list of the Door tags.

Clicking in a row in the list of Door tags will display a drop-down menu of options that includes:

  • Props icon Properties - Displays the details of the Door tag for editing.
  • smatrix.pngShow in Matrix - Opens the Access Matrix with a filter on the selected Door tag.
  • Audit iconAudit Report - Generates a report of audit trail for the tagged doors.
  • door.png Doors tagged - Opens the Lock list page with a filter applied to show only the tagged locks.
  • textdoc.png Journal - Shows a journal of changes for the selected item.

Additional Topics:
Doors in CyberAudit-Web
Granting Access to Doors
Editing Flex Connections to Inputs, Outputs, and Relays
Sample Door Installations
Flex System Power and Cable Requirements
Adding Modules to a Flex Hub
The Doors Listing Page

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