
Adding a login.

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Adding a login

The first thing to do before you log on is to determine what access the person using the login needs?

The differences will be if they help to administer permission and oversee a large portion of locks, or they just need to make changes for a small set of locks.

Log on to the site and select "Logins" from the "Administrators" menu.

If you are an administrator adding another admin for the site, you will create the login on the same level. If it is a user that does not need the same permission you will select the proper subsystem.

On the left side, you may see an arrow to click, this will who the hierarchy( organization) of your system.

Next click the plus sign in the upper right to add the Login information.

Provide a Login Name, which will be the user name used to log in to the site.  Either select an existing person or create a new person.

Enter in a password and confirm that password. 

You will want to allow the user to change a password upon their first login. Click the check box next to " Force password change next login".

Then click on Save.

If you are unable to create a login or need assistance, please reach out for help. We are happy to assist.

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