
Adding and Connecting a Door

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..//assets/img/kb/door-marker.png Adding and Connecting a Door

To be functional, a Door record in CyberAudit-Web must connect to a Door and I/O module. It may be connected either before or after the Door and I/O module is added to a Flex System hub.

Adding a Door Record
Select Doors from the Locks menu. doorMenu.png
Click the Plus Button from the toolbar. toolbar.jpg
doorAddName.png Enter a name for the Door. Click Save.    btnSave.png
Enter the properties for the Door.

Click Save.    btnSave.png
doorTabs.png Click the Tags tab and assign Door Tags as desired.

doorAddTags.png Click Save.    btnSave.png

Connecting a Door

To fully configure a Door it must be connected to a door group on a Flex II system or to a Door and I/O Module. These may be set in either of two places:

1 Door Properties
2 In Flex I/O Connections for a door connected to a door group on a Flex II system or in the properties of a Door and I/O module connected to either a Flex 1 or Flex II system.

Additional Topics:
Doors in CyberAudit-Web
Granting Access to Doors
Audit Trails for Doors
The Flex System Door and I/O module
Sample Door Installations
Flex System Power and Cable Requirements
Adding Modules to a Flex Hub
Door Tags

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