
Flex II FlashReader Tones and LEDs

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..//assets/img/kb/musicnote.png Flex II FlashReader Tones and LEDs


Flex II FlashReaders (FSR-FR01 and FSR-FKR01) emit tones and flashes its LEDs to indicate status or an event. The FSR-FR01 reader has three LED colors, red, green, and blue. The FSR-FKR01 reader has a multi-color LED.

The original Flex RFID reader (FS-RFID) can also emit tones but does not have the same ability to flash its LED.

The chart below shows the tones and LED flashes for the FlashReader. The same tones are emitted by the Flex RFID reader.

The Flex II can also control the beeper on a Wiegand reader but cannot control the tone. The number of the beeps on a Wiegand reader will match those of the FlashReader and the Flex RFID reader but the duration of the tones may not match.
Events Description Tone Pattern LEDs
  Flashreader connected to Flex2 controller/expander - Bluetooth disabled none Green flash every 2 seconds
  Flashreader connected to Flex2 controller/expander - Bluetooth enabled none Blue flash every 2 seconds
  Flashreader unable to communicate with Flex2 controller/expander - will still beep/flash when RFID is scanned none No flash every 2 seconds
565, 572 Access Granted Low-High Solid Green
504 System Startup Three quick high tones Solid Green
559, 583 Out of Schedule Quick high and long low tone Slow red flash
535, 562, 582 Unknown mission
Unknown Flash Pattern
Door Access not found
4 quick decending tones Quick red flash
533 Access Denied Single low tone Solid red
580 Door left open too long High one second beep with half second pause repeated until door is closed Red during beep
584 Access Attempted During IHS Lockdown Three tones - High, high, low Two red LED flashes
541 PIN input module not available High, medium, high, medium Alternate red/blue
  IHS Lockdown or man-trap lock   Solid red
  Waiting for PIN input High tone, low tone, pause Green during high tone, blue during low tone
537 Bad PIN Single low tone Solid red
  No config - System is not configured to handle the input 4 quick high tones one longer high tone Solid red
506 Invalid or unverified clock setting 2 high and one low tone Solid red
628, 629 Starting Inter Hub Signal with a card scan or digit input 2 quick and one long medium tone Red LED with each tone
520 Cancelling an Inter Hub Signal with a card scan or digit input One long then 2 quick medium tones Green LED with each tone

A special key input, 23#, executes a demonstration of some tones and display for some of the Tone Patterns described above.

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