
Flex System Hub LED Indicators

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Flex System Hub LED Indicators

The Flex II Controller hub has six LED status indicators. FlexIILEDs.png

Status LEDs Event
System has no configuration. This is its state when new or has been reset. Both Power and Host LEDs slow flash  
System is powered on but not running yet Power LED fast flash  
System is started but not ready (waiting to validate the system clock) Power LED slow flash  
System is started and ready for user input Power LED solid on  
The UPS input line is low (closed) UPS LED solid on 611
The UPS input line is high (open). An event occurs when it transitions from low to high. UPS LED off 612
Reading/Writing USB drive Status1 and Status2 rapid flash 509
USB reading and writing complete - diagnostic files written to USB drive Status1 and Status2 solid on 511
Error reading configuration or writing diagnostics file Status1 and Status2 alternating flash 512
Error reading/writing configuration file. A configuration file was found on the USB drive but there was an error processing it. UPS LED flash 512
Firmware package update in progress Power LED and UPS LED flash  
Connected to network Network LED very rapid flashing reflecting network traffic  
Connected to CAW server Host Comm LED solid on 520
No connection to CAW server Host Comm LED off 521
Connected to support tunnel Status 1 off, Status 2 slow flash  
Connected to Flex Assistant app. Status 1 and Status 2 slow flash 513

The Flex II Door Expander also has six LED status indicators. At this time only two are used as indicators.

Status LEDs Event
Power connected and connected to a Flex II Controller Power LED solid on  
Power connected but not connected to a Flex II Controller Power LED rapid flash  
The UPS input line is low (closed) UPS LED solid on 611
The UPS input line is high (open). An event occurs when it transitions from low to high. UPS LED off 612

The original Flex System 1 Hub has four LED status indicators on its power panel. flexHubPowerPanelLEDs.png

LED Status
CAW Steady ON - Connected to its CyberAudit-Web server
Flashing - Searching for a connection
USB Flashing - Reading USB flash drive
Steady ON - Reading complete remove USB flash drive
OFF - No USB flash drive detected
Mod Periodic flash - Actively checking for modules
Bat OFF - No battery detected
Slow flash (1 per second) - Battery charging
Steady ON - Battery full charge
Rapid flash - Running on battery power

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