
Flex 1 System Audit Trail Events

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..//assets/img/kb/date.png Flex 1 System Audit Trail Events

Audit trail events below are for the original Flex System. Events for the Flex II system are here.

  Message Description Data
1 System Reset A command was sent from CyberAudit-Web to reset the hub. The resulting behavior is the same as a power cycle. N/A
2 Firmware Updated CyberAudit-Web sent new firmware. This event is recorded following the restart after loading the new firmware. N/A
3 Reset to Factory Settings The hub received a reformat command which reverts the hub to factory settings. Includes clearing network settings. This command is not included in CyberAudit-Web. N/A
4 All Data Cleared The hub received and executed a command to delete all stored permissions. N/A
5 UTC offset updated UTC offset read from configuration file UTC offset in minutes
6 Clock Stopped Clock registers indicate the time is no longer reliable N/A
7 No transformer power detected   Power status info
8 Transformer power detected   Power status info
9 Battery power detected   Power status info
10 Battery power not detected   Power status info
11 Critical battery detected Battery voltage is below 10V on a 12V system or below 20V on a 24V system Power status info
12 Low battery detected Battery voltage is below 12V on a 12V system or below 24V on a 24V system Power status info
13 USB flash drive detected A readable USB flash drive was inserted N/A
14 USB flash drive removed   N/A
15 Data written to USB   Drive ID, File ID, list of tasks performed:
  • Fetched current configuration data
  • Fetched hub audit trail
  • Fetched CyberKey audit trails
  • Updated network settings
  • Cleared hub audit trails
  • Cleared key audit trails
  • 16 Internal memory error The hub encountered an error reading or writing it memory. The data is the raw hexascii diagnostic bytes
    17 No network connection The hub did not detect a network  
    18 Network connection restored A network was detected  
    19 Failed to contact CyberAudit-Web Connection to CyberAudit-Web was lost. If present, the Green OK icon will be cleared in the Flex System Hubs listing page.  
    20 Connection established to CyberAudit-Web Connection to CyberAudit-Web succeeded. The Green OK icon will now show in the Flex System Hubs listing page.
    21 Connection to proxy failed   TCP/IP status code
    22 Connection established to proxy    
    32 Valid CyberKey inserted into Vault   CyberKey serial number
    33 Invalid CyberKey inserted into Vault The hub did not find the CyberKey serial number in its list of valid keys for the Vault.  
    34 CyberKey removed    
    35 RFID scan   ID of the card
    36 Data received from I/O module   Data received
    37 Keypad input received Mission, issue, or PIN Input device, number of characters entered
    38 People record verified   Name of person
    39 CyberKey configuration verified   The name of the mission or key
    40 Access Granted - Door lock released   Name of door
    Name of person
    41 Found issued key record The Flex hub found the record of the person who owns the key Key ID
    42 Access granted to Vault   Name of Vault
    43 PIN verified The PIN entered matched the PIN on record for the person. Input device, number of characters entered
    44 Request to exit Received RTE input signal Name of door
    45 Door closed Door sensor returned to closed position Name of door
    46 Door opened Door sensor changed to open position Name of door
    47 IHS button input received Input received to generate inter-hub signal Name of door
    48 IHS received Inter-hub signal received via network Sender:
    Input type:
    49 IHS response completed IHS response duration was served. The response has ended. Type of module:
    Name of associated door:
    50 Begin "keep unlocked" schedule   Name of door
    52 Door schedule completed   Name of door
    53 Door opened without access permissions A door sensor indicates the door changed to the open position without any associated permissions. Name of door
    54 RTE denied Request to exit was received when an inter-hub signal response or other condition had higher priority Name of door
    55 IHS input rejected Inter-hub signal input received while still responding to a previous inter-hub input Name of door
    57 Door left open too long A door was left open past its alarm timer Name of door
    58 Door release timed out The solenoid, mag lock, or other mechanism that released the door to open reached the end of its "hold open" time but the hub did not receive a response from the Door and I/O Module. As a result, the hub has cancelled the command to the module to open the door. Name of person
    Name of door
    59 Deadbolt line open The optional Deadbolt input toggled open ID of Door and I/O module
    60 Deadbolt line closed The optional Deadbolt input toggled closed ID of Door and I/O module
    61 Generic button pressed Optional Generic Button input pressed ID of Door and I/O module
    62 Generic switch toggled Optional Generic Switch closed ID of Door and I/O module
    65 Key comm failed Communications with the CyberKey failed. Ensure all contacts are clean. CyberKey serial number ID
    67 Key downloaded The audit trail was captured from a CyberKey. Key serial number ID
    68 Key configured The Flex hub gave the CyberKey an updated configuration Name of person
    Key serial number ID
    Configuration ID
    69 Key disabled The ability to open CyberLocks was removed from the CyberKey Key serial number ID
    74 Door lock re-activated The Door and I/O module re-activated the door lock.  
    75 Issued key inserted into keyport The key ID was issued to a person and the record was found in the hub database. Key ID
    76 Unknown key inserted into keyPort The key ID is not in the list of vault keys or keys known to the system. The Flex hub attempts to notify CyberAudit-Web. Key ID
    77 Missionable key inserted into keyPort The key ID was found in the Flex hub's list of keys known to the system. The Flex hub prompts for an ISSUE # or MISSION #. Key ID
    78 Key downloaded from server The key was downloaded in response to a request from CyberAudit-Web. Key ID
    79 Key programmed from server The key was programmed from a configuration sent by CyberAudit-Web. Key ID
    82 Out of schedule for Weatherized Vault(s) The person attempted to check out a CyberKey from a Weatherized Vault during a time outside of their scheduled time frames for the vaults on the Flex System Hub. Name of person
    83 Mission expired The person attempted to check out a mission from a Weatherized Vault after the mission had expired. Name of person
    Name of mission
    86 RFID not found The hub did not find the ID of the RFID card in its list of people or missions. ID of the card
    87 Mission number not found The hub did not find a mission number matching the one entered at the keypad. Mission number entered
    88 No stored CyberKey configuration found A mission number was found but no corresponding CyberKey programming instructions were found. Mission template name
    89 No door permissions found The person was found but there were no associated permissions for the door. Name of door
    92 No door record found The person was found but there was no information found for the door.  
    96 PIN input module not available Access to a Vault or door requires entry of a PIN but no Data Knob, Keypad, or other device is available in the group.  
    98 Vault opened The Weatherized Vault was opened. Name of Person
    Name of Vault
    99 Vault latched The Weatherized Vault lid was returned to the closed position that captures it in its latch. Name of Person
    Name of Vault
    100 Access out of schedule A person attemted access to a door outside of their scheduled time frames for the door Name of person
    Name of door
    102 Access attempted during IHS lockdown   Name of person
    Name of door
    IHS details
    105 Input received to cancel hold-open or first person in CyberAudit-Web Enterprise sends this signal to the Flex System hub in these cases:
  • A Suspend Hold Open is sent from CyberAudit-Web
  • CyberAudit-Web sends updated information to the Flex Hub where the Door group will be affected.
  • Name of door
    107 Special action request received An Input # or RFID card scan generated an Open Vault request. Or a Request to open request was sent to open a Door. Request detail:
  • Request to open Vault
  • Request to open Door
  • Request to open Vault 20 FX and unlock socket
  • Request to remove invalid key from a Vault 20 FX
  • Request to open Vault to return key
  • 108 Requested mission already checked out Flex System hubs will track missions checked out and will not issue a second CyberKey for the same mission. CyberAudit-Web also updates all Flex hubs in the system when a mission is checked out from a Vault on another hub. Name of mission
    Name of person
    109 Mission # not found The Flex hub did not find the mission number entered in its list of cached missions. Mission # entered
    111 Key Ring inserted A Key Ring CyberKey has been identified Key ID
    112 Module firmware update failed    
    113 Module firmware update successful    
    114 Hub data cleared The hub received a command to clear one or more of its stored records or data. A list of the data types cleared
    115 Special keypad input Three or fewer digits were entered and submitted from a keypad/display. Input received
    116 New PIN input received The key holder successfully entered and confirmed a new PIN.  
    117 CyberKey firmware updated    
    118 Hardware reset A hardware reset was performed on the Flex System hub.  
    119 Keypad input requested from server CyberAudit-Web requested user input Keypad input
    (Three characters or less)
    120 Requested RFID input sent to server CyberAudit-Web requested RFID scan input ID of the card
    121 Card scan - mission option presented RFID input was received for a system where multiple missions per card are available to select  
    122 Mission selected The mission Mission name or number
    128 System restart to free up operating memory (heap space 1) The system has used up available heap 1 memory. System is restarting to free up operating memory.  
    129 System restart to free up operating memory (heap space 2) The system has used up available heap 2 memory. System is restarting to free up operating memory.  
    130 System Error Error details shown in the data column Error category and detail
    131 Firmware execution error (131) Contact Flex System reseller  
    28161 External power detected The Vault 20 FX powerboard detected primary power source is now its external (transformer)  
    28163 POE power detected The Vault 20 FX powerboard detected primary power source is now Power Over Ethernet  
    28165 Battery power detected The Vault 20 FX powerboard detected primary power source is now from battery  
    28176 Door release button released The door release button is located inside the front panel of the Vault 20 FX  
    28177 Door release button pressed    
    28192 FX Door opened The door on the Vault 20 FX was opened  
    28193 FX Door closed The door on the Vault 20 FX was closed  
    28210 Low battery detected The Vault 20 FX detected low voltage on its battery. Its charge is less than 50% capacity.  
    28211 Critical battery detected Vault 20 battery life is at approximately 2 minutes

    CyberKey and CyberLock audit trail events
    WebStation 2 audit trail events
    Portable Link audit trail events
    Web Authorizer audit trail events
    LAN Authorizer audit trail events

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