
Flex System Modules and Groups

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..//assets/img/kb/puzzle.png Flex Hub Modules and Groups


View the individual modules attached to a Flex System Hub by clicking a record in the Flex System Hub List and selecting Properties. Then in the resulting page, select the Modules and Groups tab.

clickMenuProperties.png tabModulesGroups.png

This page contains the list of modules and Door Groups either currently connected or that will be connected to the selected Flex System Hub.

Table Fields:

  • Port - The number on the RJ-45 port on the Flex System Hub Module Panel. These are numbered 1-8 on the first generation hub, M1-M8 on the Flex II Controller hub, and M1-M4 on a Flex II Expander.
  • Present - If the system has talked to the Vault in the last minute, a present icon will be shown. If the type of module for the port does not match the type of module originally added or planned for the port, a conflict icon, RedCircleX.gif appears.
  • Grade - A green check (tick.png) indicates the modules are set up in a workable arrangement. All other icons indicate a problem or ambiguity. See the Grade Column section of Adding a Flex System Hub and Modules for more information about the Grade icons.
  • Group - Identifies the set of modules that work together.
  • Display Link - Identifies the Display module and the input devices that work together. The display on a Flex System module may be used to prompt the user or to display status. By default, a display links to its 'Group'. But it may be used in other ways. Click here for examples.

    The Flex 1 hub supports two distinct display groups or a default of 'None'. The Flex II system defaults to 'Group' but can identify up to 64 ct display groups.

  • Serial# - The Serial Number ID of the module currently attached to the hub. A blank cell indicates the module may not be present.
  • Module Type - None, Weatherized Vault, RFID Reader, Door and I/O module, Keypad Display, Flex Keyport, Door Expander, Flex II FlashReader, Web Authorizer Keyport. A properties icon aside a Door Group or a Door and I/O module may be clicked to go to the Editing Flex Connections to Inputs, Outputs, and Relays pager Flex 1 or the edit Flex II I/O connections page for Flex II.
  • Firmware - Each module has a processor that executes firmware. This column shows the last reported firmware version of the module.
  • Name - The name assigned to the module or door group. Assigning a name to a Weatherized Vault can be useful for displaying which vault to open when a CyberKey is checked out or returned and for audit trail reports to clearly indicate which Vault was used to check out the CyberKey.
  • Status - Additional information about the current status of the module. For Weatherized Vaults, this column indicates whether a CyberKey is present, if it is valid, its battery charge level, and whether the vault door is open.


Click Edit to modify settings on this page.

Flex System Concepts Setting Up and Using Flex System Weatherized Vaults

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