
Adding a Flex System Hub and Modules

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Adding a Flex System Hub and Modules

Go to:
Options for Adding Flex System Modules
About Groups and Display Links
The Grade Column

Adding the Hub

1 Select Flex System from the Communicators menu. If necessary, select the appropriate subsystem.
2 Click Plus Symbol from the toolbar to add a new Flex System Hub.
3 Enter the serial number of the hub and give it a name. Click Save.
4 Enter the additional flex hub networking properties. Click Save.
5 The hub may now be connected to the network and programmed from USB.

Go to:
Adding a Flex System Hub to CyberAudit-Web
About Groups and Display Links
The Grade Column

..//assets/img/kb/puzzle.png Options for Adding Flex System Modules

Modules may be added to a Flex System Hub either before installing them or by automatically acquiring them after the Flex System Hub is installed and the modules are plugged in.

  • Adding Flex System Modules before installation - The advantage of this method is that once the modules are entered then key and RFID card holders may be granted access to the Weatherized Vaults or Doors. Once the modules are assigned to the Flex Hub ports, each module type must be paired with a port number on the Hub and clearly noted for the installer. If the modules are installed in the wrong ports, there could be conflicts among the module Groups. Modules installed with the wrong module type will appear with an icon, RedCircleX.gif, indicating a conflict.
  • Automatically acquiring Flex System Modules - A Flex Hub will automatically add all newly discovered Flex System Modules unless another module type has already been selected for that module port. The CyberAudit-Web administrator must reassign Groups and Display Links as needed for proper operation.

Adding Flex System Modules to a Flex System Hub before installing them


Go to the Flex System Modules page by selecting a Flex System Hub from the listing page and selecting Modules from the click menu. Modules may be added by clicking Edit from this page. This will bring up the Module Edit page for the selected hub.


The Edit Flex Hub Modules page enables:

  • Selecting the modules
  • flexHubPorts.png FS-SHO2-06-450.png
  • Matching them to a port on the hub to which they will connect
  • Pre-configuring how they will work together

There are three categories of Flex Hub Module functions; Input, Feedback, and Output. At a minimum each Group on a Flex System Hub requires at least one input and one output module. Each module type falls into these categories as follows:

  • Vault 20 FX Powerboard with Vault 20 FX Key Controllers
    (First Generation Flex System only)
  • Weatherized Vault
  • Flex II FlashReader (Flex II only)
  • RFID Reader
  • Keypad Display
Input and Feedback
  • Flex Keyport
Input and Output
  • Generation 2 Web Authorizer Keyport (Flex II only)
Input, Output, and Feedback

The Door Expander and the Door and I/O modules could fall into any of all three categories. It is an output module if it controls opening a door, an input module if a Wiegand RFID access card reader is connected, and a feedback module if it outputs to a door sounder or other indicator device.

CyberAudit-Web requires every Data Knob to be linked to a distinct Display. Other input devices do not requre a display but if a display is present, they may be linked to it.

Go to:
Adding a Flex System Hub to CyberAudit-Web
Options for adding Flex System Modules
The Grade Column

The Grade Column

The Grade column is an indicator for each module indicating whether the Modules, Groups, and Display Links are present and installed in a workable arrangement. Each module type has a range of different possible icons as follows:

Flex II FlashReader and RFID Reader

question_yellow.png More than one reader with the same display link
no output module (Weatherized Vault, Door Group or Door and I/O module without a connected Door)
tick.png OK

Weatherized Vault

question_yellow.png No RFID reader and no keypad display and no Door and I/O module in the same Group
Not a member of a group without a door
cawIcons/mnu_delete.png A Door Group or a Door and I/O module connected to a door in the same Group
a Flex Keyport in the same Group
a Vault 20 FX Powerboard on the same hub
tick.png OK

Door and I/O module

x_black.png Door and I/O module not supported
cawIcons/mnu_delete.png A Weatherized Vault in the same Group when the Door and I/O module is connected to a door.
Assigned to a Door Group on a Flex II Controller hub
Connected to a port on a Flex II Expander
tick.png OK

Keypad Display

question_yellow.png More than one keypad display with the same display link
no output module (Keyport or Weatherized Vault or Vault 20 FX or Door Group or Door and I/O module without a connected Door)

Gen 2 Web Authorizer Keyport

tick.png OK

Flex Keyport

cawIcons/mnu_delete.png A Weatherized Vault or a Vault 20 FX in the same Group
tick.png OK

Flex II Expander

cawIcons/mnu_delete.png Connected to a port on another Expander
tick.png OK

Vault 20 FX Powerboard

question_yellow.png No Vault 20 FX Key Controller in the same Group
no keypad display in the same Group
cawIcons/mnu_delete.png A Door and I/O module connected to a door in the same Group
a Keyport in the same Group

Vault 20 FX Key Controller

question_yellow.png No Vault 20 FX powerboard in the same Group
cawIcons/mnu_delete.png A Door and I/O module connected to a door in the same Group
a Keyport in the same Group
Go to:
Adding a Flex System Hub to CyberAudit-Web
Options for adding Flex System Modules
About Groups and Display Links
The Grade Column
Additional Links:
Mounting Flex System Modules
About the Flex System
Vault 20 FX Overview
Granting Access to Flex System Weatherized Vaults
RFID LED Indicator
The Flex System Door and I/O Module

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