
The Flex System Hub List

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Flex System Hub List


This page lists the Flex System Hubs in the selected subsystem and enables adding, configuring, and managing them.

Table Fields:

  • Present - If the system has communicated with the Flex Hub in the last minute, a present icon will be shown.
  • Change icon - If the system has information for the Flex Hub but the Flex Hub has not yet been updated, a yellow C icon appears in the column.
  • Name - The name associated with the Flex Hub.
  • ID - The serial number of the Flex Hub.
  • Last Contact - The last time the server and Flex Hub communicated successfully.
  • Modules - The number of connected modules reported at last contact. Click on the link to go to the modules listing page.
  • Module Status -
    green check Module status OK
    yellow check One or more modules are not connected
    yellow question mark Module status problem
    Demo The Vault 20FX is in demo mode
    FXThe device is a Flex System Vault FX
    red exclamationThe door is open on a vault
  • IHS(UDP) Ready - In addition to being sent from the CyberAudit-Web server, an Inter-hub signals(IHS) may be broadcast by UDP from a Flex hub. Flex II controllers periodically broadcast a UDP test signal and respond to the sending hub when they receive one. Each hub keeps an ongoing list of hubs that respond to their broadcast. When a controller hub responds to this broadcast it indicates that an Inter-hub signal may successfully be sent to that hub.

    Note: This only effects Inter-hub signals directly between communicators, and does not effect the IHS signals that are sent from the server to hubs, or from Hub1 to the server to Hub2.

    These indicators may be shown in this column:
    All Flex II Controller hubs in the system are reachable by UDP broadcast for an Inter-hub signal.
    Some but not all Flex II Controller hubs in the system are reachable by UDP broadcast for an Inter-hub signal.
    The Flex II controller captured no responses from the broadcast test.
      The hub is either currently offline or is not a Flex II controller.
  • Vault Keys -
    green checkAll Weatherized Vault or Vault 20 FX CyberKeys are valid
    red exclamationThere are one or more invalid keys in Vaults controlled by the hub
  • Memory Used - The amount of available memory currently in use on the hub to store door access permissions and CyberKey programming instructions.


  • Page Navigation is controlled by page navigation tools.
    They enable browsing to the first and last pages, selecting a page to jump to, or the number of vaults per page.

  • toolbar - Use the toolbar to add a new record, remove a record, or manage visibility.
  • printer.svg - Click this button to create a printable report for the current list.

Clicking in a non-linked section of a record will display a drop-down menu of operations:

  • properties icon Properties - Displays editable networking details of the selected Flex Hub.
  • caching.png Caching - Displays the rules for storing access permissions in the memory of the Flex Hub.
  • locklist-filter.png Lock List Filter - If enabled, this brings up an item chooser to select the list of locks that may load into CyberKeys updated at Keyports and Vaults controlled by this Flex Hub.
  • Audit icon Audit Report - Generates an audit trail records logged for the Flex Hub.
  • key icon Keys - Displays a page for viewing and editing the list of CyberKeys currently to be used with Weatherized Vaults or a Flex System Vault FX. This menu item only appears on Flex System hubs with one or more Vault modules.
  • showInMatrix.gif Show in Matrix - Displays the Access Matrix with a filter applied for the selected Flex Hub to to display the tags and people who have access. This menu item only appears on Flex System hubs with one or more Vault modules.
  • mapSmall.pngPlace in Graphic - If the account has the Location Graphics feature, this enables placing the selected Flex System hub and modules into one or more graphic images.
  • //assets/img/kb/bell.png Notification - This is a branched menu to set up emails notifications to send to one or more email addresses for either of these topics:
    • Informing that the CyberKey has expired but has not been returned to a Vault.
    • Warning that the door on a Weatherized Vault or Vault 20 FX has been left open.
    This menu item only appears on Flex System hubs with one or more Vault modules.
  • //assets/img/kb/diagnostics.png Diagnostics - Another branched menu to retrieve or view detailed status from the selected Flex System Hub.
  • //assets/img/kb/journal.png Journal - Brings up the Journal of Changes to view a list of edits on the current record.
  • Sync icon Sync - (Original Flex 1) Causes CyberAudit-Web to attempt to make an immediate TCP/IP connection with the with the Flex System Hub. If the connection attempt is successful, the Flex Hub will immediately synchronize with CyberAudit-Web rather than waiting for the next synchronize cycle.
  • sync.png Reload - (Flex II) Causes the Controller hub to purge its local records and reload them from the server.

Additional Topics:

Adding a Flex System Hub and Modules
Mounting Flex System Modules
Flex System Power Requirements
Flex System Module Cable Pinouts
About the Flex System
Vault 20 FX Overview
View/Edit Flex System Modules
Granting Access to Flex System Weatherized Vaults
Setting Up and Using Flex System Weatherized Vaults
RFID LED Indicator
LED Indicator on the Weatherized Vault
The Flex System Door and I/O Module
Flex System Audit Trails
Flex System Display Messages
Flex System Special Key Input
Flex System Hub Diagnostics
Flex System Hub LED Indicators
Resetting a Flex Hub

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