
Flex System Special Key Inputs

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..//assets/img/kb/keypad.png Flex System Special Key Input

Special functions are available to Flex Systems which have a Keypad/Display or Data Knob module. Entering the combination of numbers shown below will bring up information about the Flex System hub or the CyberKey inserted in the Keyport.

Input Flex 1
Flex II
Description Display
11# 1 / II Displays the full ID of the Flex System hub without the leading "O" or "Y". Serial numbers for Flex 1 will begin with 60. Serial numbers for Flex II will begin with 07. XXXXXXXX
22# 1 / II Forces the Flex System hub to contact or "Sync" with its CyberAudit-Web server (Flex 1). Reports on the connection status of the controller (Flex II). While attempting to connect to CyberAudit-Web:

For success: ONLINE!
If the hub is in the process of a full sync with the server it will also display Sync xx%

For failures:
Network Unreach- The DNS name or IP address of the CyberAudit-Web server is not within the networking range of the hub.
NO SERVER - The hub has no DNS name or address of a CyberAudit-Web server in its configuration
No Conf - The hub has no configuration. It is in "factory" state.
NO ROUTE - The hub does not have adequate information to contact the CyberAudit-Web server. This error would appear if the hub had not yet been programmed from USB
Server Time Out - The hub timed out waiting for a response from the CAW server.
CONNECT REFUSED - The CyberAudit-Web server refused a connection to the hub. This would occur if the hub attempted to use an incorrect port
SSL Cert Bad Date - Certificate start or stop date is outside the date of the Flex II clock.
SSL Cert Bad Name - Certificate name mismatch
SSL Cert Not Trust - Certificate is not signed by a trusted authority
SSL Cert Error - Other Certificate error
SSL FAIL - Incompatible ciphers or TLS version
DNS FAIL - The hub was unable to resolve the DNS name of the CyberAudit-Web server
UNKNOWN NET ERR - A networking error occurred outside the range of the ones shown above
23# II Provides a demonstration of tones for these conditions
Access Granted Access is granted to a door
System Startup The Controller software is starting up
Our of Schedule Out of schedule for a door or vault
Mission Not Found The requested mission, Flash code, or door access
Access Denied Access is denied because there are no permissions for the door or vault.
Door LeftOpen The door has been left open too long and an event has been triggered.
LockDown An Inter-hub signal is holding the door closed.
Waiting for PIN The user requires a PIN to program a key or gain access to a door.
Bad Clock The clock time is flagged as unreliable because of a power loss or some other factor.
33# 1 / II Displays the current date, time, UTC offset, and day of week of the Flex System hub. If system clock is OK:
UTC offset
day of week

If system clock is not reliable:
44# II If a Keyport is available this function uses the key to determine if it is issued to a person who has access permission to a connected door. If Keyport is available and door is connected: Insert Key

If no Keyport is available:
No Keyport

If no door is connected: No Door
55# 1 / II Used to show the unique CyberKey 8-character ID in combination with a Keyport. If a Keyport is available:

If no Keyport is available:
66# 1 / II Checks and displays the battery voltage and warns if the voltage is low. If a Keyport is available:

If no Keyport is available:
77# 1 / II Displays the key expiration status. If the key has not expired it shows the next expiration date. Otherwise it shows either KEY EXPIRED or NEVER EXPIRES. If a Keyport is available:

If no Keyport is available:
111# 1 / II Displays the current IP address of the Flex System hub. If the IP address is then the IP address has not yet been set. CLIENTIP
333# II Enables verbose logging for debug Debug
21# II When 333# is entered, 21# forces a full reload from the server. Ready with shifting asterisk if in verbose logging. Otherwise Unknown Code
777# II Shows the status of the support tunnel Sup-Tun
[support tunnel status]
999# 1 / II Displays the resolved IP address of the CyberAudit-Web server. If the IP address is then the IP address has not yet been set. SERVERIP
All other inputs less than 4 characters 1 / II Reports as unknown input. UNKNOWN CODE

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