The Vault 20S Diagnostics page enables the administrator to enable logging or fetch a diagnostic log from the Vault 20S. Clicking Save button enables the selected action.
Begin Logging Now: Sets a flag for the Vault 20S to begin writing its logs to a file. At the end of the designated time it will upload the file to CyberAudit-Web. The file may then be emailed or downloaded from the Email Diagnostics page.
There is also an option to Enable verbose logging which adds many more lines of detail to the log files. Verbose logging may be needed when normal logs do not provide enough information to troubleshoot a problem.
Fetch diagnostic data logged since: Sets a flag for the Vault 20S to write its logged data to a file and send it to CyberAudit-Web where it may be emailed or downloaded in the Email Diagnostics page.
This page also provides a link to go to the Logs page of the Vault 20S Manage web site where the last 50 logs data may be viewed directly.