
Audit Trails for Vault 20S

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..//assets/img/kb/date.png Audit Trails for Vault 20S

A set of logs is kept by CyberAudit-Web in response to certain events. Use this log for tracking check-out and check-in of the key, activities, and troubleshooting. It is available for each Vault 20S from the drop-down menu in the Vault 20S listing page.

  Message Description Data
1 CPU-A reset The main CPU of the Vault 20S system board restarted. 2 byte reset code
2 CPU-B reset The secondary CPU of the Vault 20S system board restarted. 2 byte reset code
17 Key removed   CyberKey serial number
34 Door opened    
35 Door closed    
204 Unknown Keypad input Three or fewer digits were entered at the keypad followed by the # key and was not recognized as a valid special keypad input. Digits entered
205 Known Mission input Four or more digits were entered at the keypad followed by the # key. The input was verified as a valid mission number. Number of digits entered, person
206 Unknown Mission input Four or more digits were entered at the keypad followed by the # key. No matching mission number was found. Digits entered
207 Manage Keypad input Three digits were entered at the keypad while in manage mode followed by the # key. Number of digits entered
208 Mission list selected A mission was selected from a list of available missions for a system where multiple missions may be presented for a person. Mission selected
209 Key Configured A CyberKey has been programmed with a mission and is ready to use. Key serial number, person, and mission.
210 Key configuration failed A CyberKey failed to program with a mission. Failure code
212 Vault Full An unknown key inserted in the vault cannot be added to the list of valid keys because the vault already has its maximum of 20 keys assigned to it.  
213 No key available A person who could normally check out a mission from a vault was unable to do so because there was no valid key available in the vault.  
214 CAW connection failed Connection to CyberAudit-Web was lost. The Green OK icon will be cleared in the Vault 20S listing page. Failure reason
215 Valid key inserted A known, valid CyberKey was inserted or found in one of the Vault key ports. Name of person and serial number of key
216 Invalid key inserted A known, invalid CyberKey was inserted or found in one of the Vault key ports. This includes CyberLock Programmers, Grand Masters, and CyberKeys with replaceable batteries. Serial number of the key
217 Unknown key inserted A CyberKey was inserted that was neither in the list of known valid CyberKeys nor a known invalid key. Serial number of the key
218 Key disabled The Vault 20S cleared the progamming from the valid CyberKey just inserted. This checks in the mission associated with the key. Person, mission, key serial number
219 New PIN Accepted A user, prompted to enter a new PIN, successfully confirmed the PIN after entering it a second time. The Vault will send the new PIN to CyberAudit-Web to update the People record. Number of digits entered
220 PIN Verified A person with a PIN successfully entered it when prompted. Number of digits entered
221 Bad PIN A person with a PIN did not enter the PIN on record in the Vault 20S. Number of digits entered
222 Known Card Scan A known RFID card was scanned at the Vault 20S reader. Name of card, RFID of card
223 Unknown Card Scan A unknown RFID card was scanned at the Vault 20S reader. RFID of card
224 Out of schedule for vault A person with permissions to the vault is not permitted to check out a key at the time the RFID card was scanned or the mission number was entered. Name of person
225 Vault Clock Status Changed An event is generated when the Vault 20S internal clock is found to be more than 5 minutes different than CyberAudit-Web. Another event is generated when its clock comes back within 5 minutes. Difference in seconds. A negative number indicates the Vault 20S clock is behind the server clock. A positive number indicates the Vault 20S clock is ahead of the server clock.
226 CAW Connection Established Connection to CyberAudit-Web succeeded. The Green OK icon will now show in the Flex System Hubs listing page.
227 V20S System Startup The software system on the Vault 20S successfully started.  
228 Access Granted The Vault 20S released the door latch to grant access to the vault Name of person
229 New PIN requested The person associated with the RFID access card or mission number requires a PIN but does not have a valid one in the system. The Vault 20S has prompted the person to enter a new PIN. Name of person
230 Vault Firmware update completed A Vault 20S system board firmware was successfully updated. Chip A or B, firmware level
231 Vault Firmware update failed A Vault 20S system board firmware update failed. Chip A or B, firmware level, error code
232 Key Firmware update completed A Vault 20S system board firmware was successfully updated. Chip A or B, firmware level
233 Key Firmware update failed The Vault 20S failed to update the firmware of a docked CyberKey. Chip A or B, firmware level, error code
234 Mission List presented The Vault 20S sent a list of two or more missions to the display for the user to select from. List of missions presented
235 Door left open The Vault 20S door has been open without vault activity for longer than the alarm time set in the Vault 20S properties page.  
236 Manage Card Scanned The RFID access card designated in the Vault 20S properties page was scanned to open vault the door and enter manage mode. RFID of the card
237 Manage Digits Entered The keypad input designated in the Vault 20S properties page was scanned to open vault the door and enter manage mode. Number of digits entered
238 RFID Firmware update completed The Vault 20S successfully updated the firmware in the RFID module. Software version and build number of software with error code 0
239 RFID Firmware update failed The Vault 20S attempted to update the firmware of the RFID module but failed. Software version and build number attempted - Error code and description
240 Key records updated The Vault 20S updated its records from CyberAudit-Web. The result is to clear the change icon for the vault in the Vault 20S list page. Number of records added and number of records removed.
241 Wrong Vault for key A key belonging to another vault was inserted. Person who checked out the key.

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