
Vault 20S Special Keypad Input

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..//assets/img/kb/keypad.png Vault 20S Special Keypad Input

Special functions are available from the keypad to a Vault 20S which is connected to a display/monitor. Entering the combination of numbers shown below will bring up information about the Vault 20S.

Standard Mode Inputs
Input Description Display
11# Displays the full serial number ID of the Vault 20S zXXXXXXXX
22# Forces the Vault 20S to contact or "Sync" with its CyberAudit-Web server. While attempting to connect to CyberAudit-Web:

For success: ONLINE!

For failures:
NET UNREACHABLE - The DNS name or IP address of the CyberAudit-Web server is not within the networking range of the hub.
NO SERVER - The hub has no DNS name or address of a CyberAudit-Web server in its configuration
NO ROUTE - The hub does not have adequate information to contact the CyberAudit-Web server. This error would appear if the hub had not yet been programmed from USB
TIME OUT - The hub timed out waiting for a response from the CAW server
CONNECT REFUSED - The CyberAudit-Web server refused a connection to the hub. This would occur if the hub attempted to use an incorrect port
SSL FAIL - The SSL link with CyberAudit-Web failed
DNS FAIL - The hub was unable to resolve the DNS name of the CyberAudit-Web server
UNKNOWN NET ERR - A networking error occurred outside the range of the ones shown above
33# Displays the current date, time, UTC offset, and day of week of the Vault 20S clock.
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
day of week
UTC offset
88# This input is used to identify any invalid keys in the vault. The door on the Vault 20 FX must be opened with a mission number, an RFID card, or a manage input.
If one or more invalid keys is present, the display shows a map of the CyberKey retainers and the released invalid key is represented with this icon.
99# Displays the list of special key inputs available. 11# - Vault serial number
22# - Sync with server
33# - Date & time
88# - Invalid keys
99# - This list
111# - Network settings
999# - Server address and account
111# Displays the current network settings of the Vault read from its operating system. If the IP address is then networking has not yet been set. DHCP: ON or OFF
Gateway: or none
Proxy: or none
Push Notification Port: Port number
999# Displays the URL of the CyberAudit-Web server and the account. If the IP address is then the CyberAudit-Web server has not yet been entered. CyberAudit Server: or DNS name
Inputs for manage mode
(note: entering these codes when the Vault 20S is not in manage mode will result in a banner message of Unknown input.)
All other inputs less than 4 characters Reports as unknown input. Unknown input

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