
Behind the ValidiKey 20 Panel

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..//assets/img/kb/validikey2-vault-20-marker.png Behind the ValidiKey 20 Panel

The ValidiKey 20 Panel houses a keypad, RFID card reader, and a display. The panel may be opened to connect a network cable or insert or remove USB devices.

Use a CyberKey to unlock the panel CyberLock. Hand-Vault.jpg
V20SOpenPanel.png 1) Swing the panel out and

(2) slide it to the left to disengage it from the vault chassis.
The panel may then be flipped back-side forward and placed on top of the cabinet. Vault-USB.jpg
  • Two USB devices are required to be connected: one for the display and one for the main board.

  • Each unit from the factory also has a USB wireless adapter which may be removed if no wireless networking is desired.

  • An additional USB port may be used for configurating the ValidiKey with a USB configuration.

  • An Ethernet port provides the standard networking interface for the vault.

..//assets/img/kb/ethernet.png Connecting Ethernet Cable

Feed the Ethernet cable through the back of the cabinet. Connect it to the Ethernet port as shown. connectEthernet.jpg

Inserting a USB Drive

Connect a USB drive to change network settings or fetch diagnostics. Watch the display on the front of the panel and wait for the message to remove the USB drive when done. insertUSBVk20.jpg
About ValidiKey 2
ValidiKey 20 Listing Page
Adding a ValidiKey 20
Granting Access to the ValidiKey 20 vault
ValidiKey Audit Trails
ValidiKey Diagnostics
Caching Missions on ValidiKey
Mounting Instructions
ValidiKey 20 Properties
Valid Keys for ValidiKey
ValidiKey 20 Admin Functions
Using a USB drive with ValidiKey
Resetting a ValidiKey

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