ValidiKey Special Keypad Inputs
Special functions are available from the keypad to a ValidiKey 20 and the touch screen of a ValidiKey 2 Plus. Entering the combination of numbers shown below will bring up information about the ValidiKey.
Input | Description | Display |
11# | Displays the full serial number ID of the ValidiKey | Y03XXXXXX |
22# | Reports the connection status of the ValidiKey with the CyberAudit-Web server. | |
33# | Displays the current date, time, UTC offset, and day of week of the ValidiKey clock. | day of week dd-month-yy hh:mm:ss UTC offset |
44# | Opens the vault door to enable a keyholder to return a CyberKey. This only works when the vault is empty and the option to Allow vault keys to be programmed by other Gen 2 communicators is enabled. | Return key |
111# | Displays the current network settings of the Vault read from its operating system. If networking is not configured, it will display not enabled | Ethernet Wireless |
222# | (Demo mode only **) - Opens door and allows adding keys to the Vault. |
Admin Mode... Door is open |
333# | Enables verbose logging for debug | DEBUG Logging For 5 minutes |
21# | When 333# is entered, 21# forces a full reload from the server. | Sync |
444# | (Admin mode only **) - Reboots the ValidiKey system. | |
555# | Shows the last network connection error for the ValidiKey. | |
666# | (Admin mode only **) - Releases the vault door. | Door Open |
777# | Shows the status of the support tunnel | Support Tunnel Disabled or [support tunnel status] |
888# | (Demo mode only **) - Programs keys to allow all to be removed without beeping or flashing. |
Please wait and then Keys Deactivated Can now be removed |
911# | (Demo mode only **) - Sounds the (loud) piezo buzzer. | |
999# | Displays the URL of the CyberAudit-Web server and the account. If the IP address is then the ValidiKey 20 vault has not yet been configured. | CyberAudit Server: or DNS name account name |
** Entering these codes when the ValidiKey is not in admin mode will result in a display message of Unknown input.) | ||
All other inputs | ||
All other inputs less than 4 characters | Reports as unknown input. | Unknown input |