
WebStation 2 Display Messages

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..//assets/img/kb/web-station-marker.png WebStation 2 Display Messages

Message Description
WebStation 2 startup and networking
Checking Network
Networking is starting up
Checking Network
Starting DNS, Waiting DNS, Waiting TCP, Starting TLS, Waiting TLS, Starting Network, Waiting DHCP
Various stages of network startup. Some messages may not appear because they happen too quickly to display.
Checking Network
Wait Net Ready
Networking is set up but the WebStation 2 is not connected to a network..
Checking Date WebStation 2 is fetching the current date and time from the server
Offline Web Station 2 is offline and waiting to retry a connection
Connect Server Web Station 2 is attempting to connect to its CyberAudit-Web server
IP Address
Current IP address of the WebStation 2 while it is attempting to establish a network connection
No Config WebStation 2 has no configuration to connect to a CyberAudit-Web server
The WebStation 2 is updating its network settings from the CyberAudit-Web server
Connected Connection to CyberAudit-Web server successful
Checking Network
Networking is starting up
Wait for Socket WebStation 2 is waiting for a network socket to become available
Checking Network
Starting DNS, Waiting DNS, Waiting TCP, Starting TLS, Waiting TLS, Starting Network, Waiting DHCP
Various stages of network startup. Some messages may not appear because they happen too quickly to display.
Checking Network
Wait Net Ready
Networking is set up but the WebStation 2 is not connected to a network..
Checking Date WebStation 2 is fetching the current date and time from the server
Establishing Services The Web Station service on the server is starting
USB An external program CyberLink 2 or CyberAudit Link has connected to the WebStation 2 and is updating it. When it is done, the WebStation 2 will attempt to connect to its CyberAudit-Web server.

Message Description
Working with a CyberKey
Note: If the CyberKey is left in the WebStation 2 after communication with the CyberAudit-Web server is complete, the CyberKey serial number and a battery percentage will appear on the display. The WebStation 2 will charge CyberKeys with rechargeable batteries.
Ready * Web Station 2 is online, idle, and ready for a CyberKey
Downloading Events, Saving Events, Reading, Writing, Key Disabled Messages that indicate progress during key programming
Preparing Config The CyberAudit-Web server is preparing the configuration to send to the CyberKey
Server Comm Ongoing communications between the CyberAudit-Web server and the WebStation 2
Low Battery The battery in the key is low
Key Gone A CyberKey was unexpectedly removed from the WebStation 2 keyport
Key Ready The CyberKey has been programmed and is ready to use. It may be removed from the keyport
Key Out A CyberKey was removed from the keyport after processing was completed
No Keypad for Input The key inserted into the WebStation 2 requires keypad input.
PIN required
No input for PIN
A PIN is required to program the CyberKey but the WebStation 2 has no keypad
Key Not Issued WebStation 2 only works with CyberKeys that are issued to a person.
Return To Vault A CyberKey was inserted to the WebStation 2 that is a dedicated vault key.
Key Belongs to
Another System
FW Update {0}% The WebStation 2 is updating the firmware in a CyberKey.
Wait... This message displays while the WebStation 2 waits for the key firmware to load and start up in the CyberKey
FW Update Failed *
Script {0}% The WebStation 2 is updating the script in a CyberKey
Too Many Locks The number of lock list entries in the lock list for the CyberKey exceeds the maximum 3300
Lock List Filter The CyberAudit-Web server
KeyComm Fail Communication error between the CyberKey and the WebStation 2

Message Description
Operation Failed General error between the CyberAudit-Web server and the WebStation 2
Connect Failed
error message
WebStation 2 failed to connect to its CyberAudit-Web server
Request Failed
error message
The WebStation 2 has a connection to its CyberAudit-Web server but there was an error in communication
Invalid Server Msg The CyberAudit-Web server returned an incomplete response. This may be because the server is not up-to-date.
Corrupt Message The WebStation 2 was not able to parse a message or response from its CyberAudit-Web server
No error No errors reported
Cannot Connect
error message
WebStation 2 is unable to start networking due to an error
SSL Failed, SSL Cert Date Problem, SSL Cert Not Trusted TLS handshake or certificate error
Error (code) An unexpected error occurred and is shown with a code
DNS Name not Found *
DNS Timeout DNS server response timeout
No DNS Server DNS service not implemented or uninitialized
DNS Failed No such IP type or no such index or no entry associated to this index exists or the cache is full and no entry could be added
Wrong Net State, Socket Open Failed, Socket Not Ready, Socket Disconnected, Unknown NS Error, Unknown NS State, Fatal Error An unexpected networking error
Connect Timeout Attempted handshake to the CyberAudit-Web server timed out
DNS Socket Error DNS UDP socket error: not ready or TX error or other
Air2CertMissing, Air2CertMismatch Errors loading the server certificate into the CyberKey Air 2

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