
Web Station List

  • 0

..//assets/img/kb/web-station-marker.png WebStation List


Note: Original WebStations are no longer manufactured. They have been superseded by WebStation 2.

This page lists the WebStations in the selected subsystem and enables adding, configuring, and managing them.

Table Fields:

  • Present - If the system has talked to the WebStation in the last minute, a present icon will be shown.
  • Change icon - A yellow C icon appears in the column when network settings for the WebStation require updating to match the settings in CyberAudit-Web.
  • Name - The name associated with the WebStation.
  • Serial or Issue # - The serial number or issue number assigned to the WebStation.
  • Last Contact - The last time the server and WebStation communicated successfully.
  • Last IP - The last IP address used by the WebStation during network communications to CyberAudit-Web.
  • Key Name - Displays the name of the key currently docked in the WebStation.
  • Battery Level - Displays the current battery level of the docked key.


  • Page Navigation is controlled by page navigation tools.
    They enable browsing to the first and last pages, selecting a page to jump to, or the number of WebStations per page.

  • toolbar - Use the toolbar to add a new record, remove a record, or manage visibiility.
  • printer.svg - Click this button to create a printable report for the current list.

Clicking in a non-linked section of a record will display a drop-down menu of operations:

Additional Links:

Adding a WebStation
Other Communicators

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