
Web Authorizer II Diagnostics

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..//assets/img/kb/diagnostics.png Web Authorizer II Diagnostics

There are two methods of gaining information from the Web Authorizer II for analyzing and troubleshooting issues.

Diagnostic Logs - A Web Authorizer II keeps a set of logs. These logs plus a set of system files may be requested from the Web Authorizer II by selecting View Diagnostics from the click menu in the Web Authorizer listing page.

Click FETCH to request a new set of files from the hub. Depending on the amount of data and it will take anywhere from a few seconds to a minute to produce a new zip file. Only the newest file retrieved from the hub is kept on the server.
The resulting zip file may be opened to view the individual files. FlexIIHubDiagFiles.png
Support Tunnel - The Web Authorizer II can establish a VPN tunnel to a server hosted and maintained by the manufacturer, CyberLock, Inc. This server is on the manufacturer's facility in Oregon, USA. In the course of troubleshooting an issue, your CyberLock reseller may ask you to start a connection from your Web Authorizer II to this server. The support tunnel should not be established without prior arrangements with your CyberLock reseller.

Note: The Web Authorizer II must have Internet access to establish a VPN tunnel to the support server.
Once arrangements have been made, the tunnel may be started one of two ways.
1 If the Web Authorizer II is online, you may start the tunnel by clicking START. This will queue a command on the CyberAudit-Web server to instruct the hub to establish the VPN tunnel. If successful, the hub should report an Open tunnel status within 60 seconds. If the hub encountered an error, it will be reported on a separate line. Make note of the port number and report it your reseller along with the serial number of the Flex II controller.

The tunnel will remain connected for five days after which it will automatically disconnect. To disconnect before that time, click STOP.
2 tunnelFileLink.png

If the Web Authorizer II is offline, the tunnel command must be delivered to the hub with a USB drive. Click the link to Download Tunnel Command File in the upper right of the View Diagnostics page. Save the file to a USB drive. Take the USB drive to the hub and insert it into one of the Host USB ports. Follow the instructions to configure a Web Authorizer with a USB drive. When completed, enter 777# on the Web Authorizer keyport. It will display the status of the tunnel.

The tunnel will remain connected for five days after which it will automatically disconnect. To disconnect before that time, insert the USB drive with the Tunnel Command File to stop the tunnel.

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