
Web Authorizer Audit Trail Events

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..//assets/img/kb/date.png Web Authorizer Audit Trail Events

Audit events for both the Web Authorizer and the Web Authorizer 2 are described in the table below. The Model column indicates which Authorizer model generates the event.

# Message Description Keyport # Data Model
1 Software update failed The Web Authorizer 2 retrieved a software update from the server but was unable to complete it   Failure detail 2
2 Software update succeeded The Web Authorizer 2 retrieved a software update from the server and successfully installed it   Software versions 2
3 Reset to factory settings Configuration data was cleared from the Web Authorizer 2 by cable or by USB configuration.   CABLE or USB 2
4 Key software updated The Web Authorizer 2 programmed a CyberKey with one or more new software components.   Components updated 2
5 Key Software Update Failed The Web Authorizer 2 attempted to update one or more software components in a CyberKey but failed.   Failure reason 2
13 USB flash drive detected A USB flash drive was inserted in one of the two USB ports on the Web Authorizer 2     2
14 USB flash drive removed The Web Authorizer 2 no longer detected a USB flash drive in a port that had one     2
15 Data written to USB flash drive The Web Authorizer 2 wrote diagnostic files to the USB flash drive   Diagnostic files written 2
16 key ID not found in Authorizer No key record found in the Authorizer's key database. UPLINK HOST is displayed at the keyport. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
17 Key ID found in Authorizer Key record for key ID found in Authorizer's key database. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
18 Key removed from keypad   1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
19 Key downloaded Key data was downloaded and stored in the Authorizer. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
20 Key configured Key has been updated from the Authorizer's databases but has not yet been enabled. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1
21 PIN OK - key ready If a PIN was required, it was correctly entered. The key has been enabled and is ready to use - KEYREADY is displayed at the keyport. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1
22 Bad PIN A PIN was required. One was entered but it didn't match the correct PIN for the person. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
23 Communications with key failed Broken or intermittent connection to key or communication interrupted. COMMFAIL is displayed at the keyport. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
24 System identifier did not match The database identifier programmed into the key does not match the one used by the Authorizer - WRONG PW is displayed at the keyport. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1
26 Programming from server failed The Web Authorizer contacted the server for an unknown key. The server returned a reason not to program the key, an error, or no response. 1 or 2 Key ID and failure reason 2
27 Key Disabled This message is shown when:
   * A mission is returned
   * An unissued or deleted key is inserted
   * A lost key is inserted
1 or 2 <key ID> 2
28 PIN OK A PIN matching the key holder's PIN was successfully captured at the keypad 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
29 Key configured - Keyready The key has been programmed and is ready to use - Keyready is displayed at the keyport. 1 or 2 <key ID> 1 and 2
54 Hub reset by command An internal command was sent by one of the components in the hub to another to reset.   Reset type 1
55 Hub reset by cable between keyports A reset was performed by connecting an Ethernet cable from keyport 1 to keyport 2 and cycling power to the hub.     1
56 Clock stopped The Real-Time Clock(RTC) on the Controller hub lost power and stopped running or is otherwise untrustworty. The RTC can continue to run for 24-48 hours when power is no longer supplied to the Controller hub.     2
57 Keyport controller restart The Web Authorizer keyport controller chip reset itself. This will occur at startup or as a 'cleanup' action if the chip finds itself in a bad state due to corrupt or unexpected data. 1 or 2 (none) 1 and 2
64 Keyport added to Authorizer A keyport was plugged into the Authorizer. 1 or 2 <keyport ID> 1 and 2
65 Keyport removed from Authorizer A keyport was unplugged from the Authorizer. 1 or 2 (none) 1 and 2
66 Special code entered at keypad The keypad received 2 or 3 characters plus the '#' key. 1 or 2 <numbers entered> 1 and 2
80 Update retrieved from server The Web Authorizer downloaded an update from the server.   (none) 1
81 Memory full Memory in the Web Authorizer has reached the minimum allowable level. It will no longer update keys.     1
82 Memory restored Free memory has been restored above the minimum allowable level. Keys may be updated.   Memory free percentage (Web Authorizer 2 only) 1 and 2
83 Connection established with server The Web Authorizer has successfully connected to and synchronized with the server. This event is only recorded with successful synchronization after one or more connection failures.   (none) 1
84 No connection to server The Web Authorizer failed to connect to or synchronize with the server. This event is only recorded when connection to server fails after one or more successful attempts.   Failure detail (Web Authorizer 2 only) 1
85 Offline too long: restarting The Web Authorizer has been unable to connect to Cyberaudit-Web for too long (default 90 minutes).   (none) 1
86 Removing all key records The Web Authorizer received a command from CyberAudit-Web to remove all of its key records.   (none) 1
87 Adding key record(s) One or more key records were added to the Web Authorizer's memory. The data column indicates the number of keys added.   (none) 1
88 Removing key record(s) One or more key records were removed. The data column indicates the number of keys removed.   (none) 1
89 Uploading diagnostics The Web Authorizer received a command from CyberAudit-Web to upload a diagnostics file.   (none) 1 and 2
90 Correcting local date/time The Web Authorizer received a command to adjust its clock. The data column indicates the number of seconds adjusted. A negative number indicates the clock was shifted backward.   (none) 1
91 Server busy: waiting to sync This message indicates CyberAudit-Web is busy processing requests for updated key records for other Web Authorizers.   (none) 1
94 Operating parameters updated The configuration of the Web Authorizer changed as a result of a change on the server.   Shows the data categories updated (Web Authorizer 2 only) 1 and 2
95 Network settings changing User modified the network configuration settings of the Web Authorizer. The Web Authorizer will then reset itself to apply the changes.   (none) 1
97 Application startup Indicates the Web Authorizer Application started or restarted.   Software version 1 and 2
98 Abnormal termination Web Authorizer application stopped running because of an unexpected condition.   Exit or reason code for factory troubleshooting. 1
99 Watchdog restart The monitoring process of the Web Authorizer application triggered a restart.   (none) 1
100 Database error The system is attempting recovery from a database related issue.   The error message as received from database system. 1
101 Clock adjusted for dst change     The number of seconds shifted (+/-) 1
102 Time zone set     The resulting UTC offset in seconds 1
103 Restart initiated The Web Authorizer application detected a reason to restart.   101 = unhandled exception or other unexpected condition
102 = client software update
103 = normal reboot
104 = network configuration change
105 = restart display
106 = system halt
107 = database corruption detected
108 = updated display strings detected
104 Key disabled Occurs when a key is returned from a mission or on detection of a lost key. 1 or 2 serial ID of the key 1
105 Received reboot request from server     (none) 1
106 USB drive inserted     (none) 1
108 Key cannot support requested features The configuration for the selected key or mission contains features that are not supported by the firmware in the key.   A number that is a sum of one or more of the following unsupported features:
1 = duplicate lock IDs in lock list
4 = download lock
8 = program lock
16 = temporary activation
32 = enhanced security multi-key access
109 Attempting key firmware upgrade The Web Authorizer has identified a known key that requires a firmware upgrade and has started the process. 1 or 2 Old version to new version 1
110 Key firmware update completed The Web Authorizer successfully upgraded firmware on a CyberKey. 1 or 2 Old version to new version 1
111 Cache expired The Web Authorizer has been offline too long and will not use cached key records to program the CyberKey. For the original model Web Authorizers (Generation 1), this will only occur when nga.cache_expire_hours in the file is 1 or more. Web Authorizer 2 also records when the cache becomes valid again. 1 or 2 Valid or invalid (Web Authorizer 2 only) 1 and 2
214 Connection lost The Web Authorizer II lost its network connection to its CyberAudit-Web server.     2
219 New PIN captured The user entered and confirmed a new PIN as prompted 1 or 2 Number of characters of PIN 2
226 connection established with server The Web Authorizer has successfully connected to and synchronized with the server. This event is only recorded with successful synchronization at startup or after one or more connection failures.     2
240 Records updated with server The Web Authorizer successfully received updated records from the server   Update types received 2
242 Clock corrected The Web Authorizer received a command to adjust its clock. The data column indicates the number of seconds adjusted. A negative number indicates the clock was shifted backward.   Number of seconds ahead or backward 2
243 Error processing USB The Web Authorizer was unable to process reading from or writing to a USB flash drive.   Failure reason 2
247 Low memory The Web Authorizer 2 is low on memory.   Percentage remaining of RAM and DISK 2

Additional links:

Web Authorizer Description
Web Authorizer Details
Configuring a Web Authorizer
Resetting Web Authorizers
Web Authorizer Keyport Messages
Web Authorizer Special Code Inputs
Web Authorizer Caching
Web Authorizer Listing Page
Adding Web Authorizers
Web Authorizer USB Configuration
Installing a Keyport
Audit Trail Events
Web Authorizer Diagnostics
Other Communicators

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