
Web Authorizer Listing Page

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Web Authorizers Listing Page

A CyberKey Web Authorizer system consists of an Authorizer keyport and a Web Authorizer Hub. This page lists the Web Authorizers in the system with some of their properties and provides the means to view or change settings.

web auth list

Table Fields

  • The present icon, ok, indicates that an Authorizer has communicated with CyberAudit-Web within the last two last update times (default is 1 minute).
  • The change icon, change, indicates that the settings of the Authorizer have changed in CyberAudit-Web but the Hub still needs to be updated.
  • Name - Name assigned to the Authorizer Hub.
  • ID - Serial number of the Hub assigned at the factory. Web Authorizers have an ID with the format HXXXXXXXX.
  • Last Contact - The last date and time that the Web Authorizer contacted CyberAudit-Web.
  • Keyport 1
    Keyport 2
    - The name and ID of the keyport connected to the Authorizer.
  • Memory Used - The percentage of memory used to store people and key records. The balance is available for storing data downloaded from CyberKeys.


  • New icon - Click to add a new Web Authorizer.
  • generateUSB.png - Downloads the Web Authorizer settings for saving onto USB flash memory.
  • sync icon Properties - Displays the details of the Authorizer setup.
  • Audit icon Audit Report - Generates a report of activities logged by the Web Authorizer. This can be helpful information for monitoring CyberKey activity with an Authorizer or for troubleshooting.
  • Diagnostics - Brings up the Web Authorizer Diagnostics page to view and enable the status of the Web Authorizer remote diagnostic web service and to fetch diagnostics from the Web Authorizer.
  • caching.png Caching - Displays the rules for storing key and mission records in the memory of the Web Authorizer.
  • locklist-filter.png Lock List Filter - If enabled, this brings up an item chooser to select the list of locks that may load into CyberKeys updated at this Authorizer.
  • mapSmall.png Place in Graphic - If enabled, this enables placing the selected Web Authorizer into one or more graphic images.
  • textdoc.png Journal - Brings up the Journal of Changes to view a list of edits on the current record.
  • sync.png Sync - Causes CyberAudit-Web to attempt to make an immediate TCP/IP connection with the Web Authorizer. If the connection attempt is successful, the Web Authorizer will immediately synchronize with CyberAudit-Web rather than waiting for the next synchronize cycle.

Related Topics:

Web Authorizer Description
Web Authorizer Details
Configuring a Web Authorizer
Resetting Web Authorizers
Web Authorizer Keyport Messages
Web Authorizer Special Code Inputs
Web Authorizer Caching
Adding Web Authorizers
Web Authorizer USB Configuration
Installing a Keyport
Audit Trail Events
Web Authorizer Diagnostics
Other Communicators

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