
Web Authorizer Keyport Messages

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..//assets/img/kb/keypad.png Web Authorizer Keyport Messages

Note: Web Authorizer 2 messages appear with lower-case letters

Message Description
Messages at Startup
WAIT The keyport is waiting for the Authorizer to respond.
LOADING The Web Authorizer is loading software components from memory.
STARTING The Web Authorizer is starting software components, acquiring the network and starting the application.
USB SCAN After starting the application, the Web Authorizer checks its USB ports for a USB Flash Drive and scans for a configuration file to load.
READ USB A USB Flash Drive has been found and the Web Authorizer is searching it for a configuration file.
A configuration file was found and the changes have been applied.
No configuration file was found for the Web Authorizer.
NO USB No USB Flash Drive was found.
STARTING USB processing is complete and startup is continuing. Displayed only if a USB Flash drive was found.
If a USB Flash Drive is present after the scanning process is completed, the Web Authorizer will display this message until the USB Flash Drive is removed.
READY The Web Authorizer is ready but has not synchronized with the CyberAudit-Web server.
READY * The Web Authorizer is ready and has successfully synchronized with the CyberAudit-Web server. A CyberKey may be inserted in the keyport. When a Web Authorizer 2 is synchronizing with the server, it moves the '*' character right and left.
X___ 192 The Web Authorizer is in IP Address mode. Entering 999# saves the current value and moves to the next octet.
INVALID# An invalid IP octet has been entered during IP address assignment.
NOSERVER The Web Authorizer has no information about how to contact the CyberAudit-Web Server because it has not been configured yet.

Message Description
Messages When Idle
READY The Web Authorizer is ready but has not synchronized with the CyberAudit-Web server.
READY * The Web Authorizer is ready and has successfully synchronized with the CyberAudit-Web server. A CyberKey may be inserted in the keyport. When a Web Authorizer 2 is synchronizing with the server, it moves the '*' character right and left.

Messages with CyberKeys>
Messages with Special Code Input>
Network and Server Communication Messages>
Messages Scanning USB During Startup>
System Errors

Message Description
Messages with CyberKeys
WAIT The keyport is waiting for the Authorizer to respond.
PIN# Key requires a PIN before it will be enabled.
BAD PIN# The PIN input does not match the expected PIN for the key.
ISSUE# The server is prompting the user to input an issue number for this key.
The server is prompting the user to input an issue number or a mission number for this key.
The server has determined that the number input does not match any ISSUE#s in the database.
The server is prompting the user to input a job number or an administrator's login number for a programmer or Grand Master.
BAD JOB# The server has determined that the number input does not match any JOB#s or LOGIN#s in the database.
A Grand Master contains newly programmed lock records and requires a login # to add them.
A non-existent login number was given to the above prompt (user can try again).
The login number entered does not have permission to add new locks.
DISABLED The Web Authorizer has determined that this key has an active mission or is an un-issued key. In both cases, the Web Authorizer disables the key prior to re-issuing.
CLEARING The key is zeroing the audit trail events and preparing the key to accept a configuration.
READING The Web Authorizer displays this message while downloading data from a key.
WRITING This message is displayed while updating the key's configuration.
VERIFY The key has been configured and the Web Authorizer is confirming successful configuration.
The Web Authorizer was not able to verify that the key received the intended configuration.
KEYREADY The key has been programmed and is ready to use.
LOW BATT The Web Authorizer has determined that this key has a low battery.
FWUdate The Web Authorizer is loading a firmware update into the key. This message appears with CyberKeys supported by Web Authorizers.
(Web Authorizers do not support Generation 2 CyberKeys.)
FWUpdXX% The Web Authorizer is loading a firmware update into a CyberKey II.
The Web Authorizer successfully updated the CyberKey firmware.
BUSY Web Authorizer is processing data received from the key or the server.
8 DIGITS Issue, Mission, Job and Login numbers all consist of 8 digits. This message is displayed when the incorrect number of digits has been entered.
The Web Authorizer is attempting to contact the CyberAudit-Web server. Typically this occurs when information is needed to program a key that is not in the Authorizer's key record database.
KEY NOT FOUND This key does not have a key record in the Authorizer and the Authorizer does not have a designated host server to contact.
The server has not found the key ID in the database but has found the key's DB flag is set. This indicates that the key belongs to another database and will be rejected.
This message could occur if a serial number was entered for an issued CyberKey but the serial number belonged to a Grand Master or CyberLock Programmer.
A key may not be used for a mission because the mission is not available or the key cannot support the mission configuration.
KEY GONE Key was removed from the keyport before completing the session.
There were communication failures between the Web Authorizer and the key.
A CyberKey assigned to a Vault was inserted into the keyport.
The Web Authorizer's clock has stopped, typically because of an extended power loss. It will continue to display this message when a key is inserted into the keyport until the server updates the Authorizer's clock.
Memory in the Web Authorizer has reached the minimum allowable level. It will no longer update keys.
No info
The Web Authorizer II has connected to its server but has not yet received account information for programming a CyberKey.

Messages at Startup
Messages when Idle>
Messages with CyberKeys>
Messages with Special Code Input>
Network and Server Communication Messages>
Messages Scanning USB During Startup>
System Errors

Message Description
Messages with Special Code Input
A Special Code Input has been received that requires inserting a CyberKey into the keyport.
ONLINE! The Web Authorizer successfully synchronized with the CyberAudit-Web server following a 22#.
No response from the CAW server when the Authorizer attempted to contact it or communications were interrupted.

Message Description
Network and Server Communication Messages
SYNC... The Web Authorizer is attempting to synchronize with the CyberAudit-Web server. This will occur automatically every 30 seconds while the Web Authorizer is idle.
Displayed during the process of updating Authorizer firmware.
Displayed while a Web Authorizer update is being downloaded from the server.
Failed to download an update from the server.
The Web Authorizer contacted a CyberAudit-Web server but the ID of the Web Authorizer was not recognized.
TIME OUT There was no response from CyberAudit-Web server.
NO ROUTE No route to host - The Web Authorizer does not have routing to reach the CyberAudit-Web server.
The Web Authorizer reached the CyberAudit-Web server but the server is not listening on the requested port.
SSL FAIL The Web Authorizer connected to the server on the designated port but was unable to establish the secure sockets layer.
DNS FAIL The Web Authorizer could not resolve the CyberAudit-Web server domain name.
The Web Authorizer cannot establish connection to a network. This will happen if the network cable is unplugged. After the network cable is re-inserted, allow up to 30 seconds for the Web Authorizer to recognize the connection.
An unrecognized networking error occurred.
No Net Displayed by the Web Authorizer II. Could could occur from DHCP failure, no ethernet connection, or a bad subnet/gateway configuration

Messages at Startup
Messages when Idle>
Messages with CyberKeys>
Messages with Special Code Input>
Network and Server Communication Messages>
Messages Scanning USB During Startup>
System Errors

Message Description
Messages Scanning USB During Startup
USB SCAN The Web Authorizer is looking for a USB drive, reading from a USB drive, or installing a software update.
NO FILE A USB drive was found but does not contain a file named authorizer.tar.gz.
REMOVE USB The Web Authorizer is done processing files on the USB drive. The drive must be removed before continuing.
LOAD HUB FIRMWARE The Web Authorizer keyport controller module is being updated. DO NOT interrupt the device during this process.

Message Description
System Errors
ERR 101 2
Unexpected program errors; contact the system administrator if they happen repeatedly.

Additional links:

Web Authorizer Description
Web Authorizer Details
Configuring a Web Authorizer
Resetting Web Authorizers
Web Authorizer Keyport Messages
Web Authorizer Special Code Inputs
Web Authorizer Caching
Web Authorizer Listing Page
Adding Web Authorizers
Web Authorizer USB Configuration
Installing a Keyport
Audit Trail Events
Web Authorizer Diagnostics
Other Communicators

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