
Flex Assistant

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/assets/img/kb/flexAssistant-Android-logo.png Flex Assistant

Flex Assistant is a mobile application for Android designed to be a utility and troubleshooting tool for Flex II system installations.

It is designed to be connected via USB to the Flex II controller and perform the following features:

  • Review the current status and details of system.
  • Simulate inputs, like a Request-to-Exit signal.
  • View and manage events.
  • Test the controller's network connection.
  • Sync system clock to Android time.
  • Upload current config file from server.
  • Update firmware files from server.
  • Enable debug logging.
  • Fetch diagnostics log from the controller and send to the manufacturer for troubleshooting.

Relevant links:



After installing the application, the user will be presented with the connect screen and instructions to connect your Android phone to the Flex II controller’s USB Type B port.

Note that you may need a Type C or micro-USB adapter to connect your phone.
When you first connect your Flex II controller, a USB permissions dialog will appear on your screen.

This permission is required to communicate with the Flex II controller. By selecting the “Always open…” checkbox option, the permission will be automatically remembered in the future.
At this point, most features in Flex Assistant will be available to use.

Certain configuration features, however, require Flex Assistant to be connected and authenticated to the CyberAudit-Web server. This includes downloading configuration and firmware files directly from the server and uploading them to the controller.

Please review the Settings section below for more information.



Communication occurs as follows:
  • Flex II Controller → Flex Assistant
    • After events are recorded by the system, they will be queued by the controller and sent to the app. The event queue is processed every second.
    • Every thirty seconds, a status update is sent to the app when connected.
  • Flex Assistant → Flex II Controller
    • The user can issue commands directly from the app from either the System page or as a simulated input in the Groups page. The controller will then send a response back to the app indicating the result.
There are three states of the Flex II controller relative to the CyberAudit-Web server:
  • Factory Default: The controller is unconfigured and has no associated server.
  • Configured but unable to sync: The controller has server configurations but is unable to sync because of a network or config issue.
  • Synced: The controller has an active communication with the server.
Dragging the page down will refresh the data displayed on the page.


System Page

The System page contains system wide data and many issuable commands that can be sent to the controller. These commands test system health, manage configuration and firmware, and enable troubleshooting features.


The header displays the Flex Hub’s given name from CyberAudit-Web, along with additional tag information.

Possible tags include:
  • Demo Mode
  • Production
  • Troubled Module(s) - Five or more errors were found in a module.
  • Module Error(s)
  • System Functional
  • Debug Logging Enabled
  • On Holiday
  • Active Tamper
  • Beep Keys Left
  • Factory Settings
System Header

A common troubleshooting task for installation engineers is to properly set-up the controller’s connection to the CyberAudit-Web server.

This section provides the action of issuing a “test network connection” command to the server, along with displaying relevant network data. When issuing the command, the controller will return a response value to indicate descriptive results.
System Network

When a power outage occurs, the system clock of the controller could potentially be affected.

Using this action in this section will issue a command to sync the system clock with the Android’s current time with respect to time zone differences.
System Clock

When correctly configured and connected with the server, the controller will automatically update its configuration and firmware.

Flex Assistant is capable of manually updating configuration and firmware files, downloading them directly from the server and uploading to the controller.

This process requires an authentication token, given by providing a portable link issue number from CyberAudit-Web. Please review the Settings section below for more information on how to set-up Flex Assistant’s connection to the CyberAudit-Web server.

Upload Config File: Uploads the configuration file from the server to the controller. After successfully uploading the file, the controller will process the configuration and will send a “configuration applied” event afterwards.

Update Firmware Files: Updates firmware files. Flex Assistant will display a firmware comparison message indicating if firmware files are up-to-date with the server or require an update. The “Check Firmware” action in the Settings page will refresh the expected firmware versions from the server. There are three firmware files for the Flex II controller:
  • core
  • sys
  • vpagent
System Config

This section displays memory usage statistics of the controller. Memory (RAM) and disk usage percentages are displayed here.
System Memory

Additional troubleshooting steps can be performed here:
  • Debug Logging: Sends a command to the controller to enable its robust logging mode for five minutes. A corresponding tag will appear on the System page.
System Support
  • Email Diagnostics: Performing this command will allow Flex Assistant to download the controller’s diagnostics files. The files will be bundled and compressed in a zip file and sent to our server for diagnosis.


Groups Page

Displayed on the Groups Page are all door groups associated and configured with the controller. Status properties are included in the main page, such as Door Status or Lock Status.

Possible tags include:

  • Door Status
  • Lock Status
  • Module Error(s)
  • Troubled Module(s)
  • Power Fail
  • Hold Open
  • Open Time

Tapping on a group will open up its single view page. Tapping the “View Events” button will open the group’s events on the Event page.

Groups 1

Single View:

Header: The header of the single view page displays the door’s name, its status information, and navigation options to go to other door groups.

Details: Tapping the “V” button will expand the details section, which displays additional details about the door group in addition to all of its attached modules. Scrolling horizontally will display different attached modules.

Modules: Each module card displays its serial, address, PID, and last contact time. Additionally, status tags can be found, which includes the following:
  • Display
  • Pin Input
  • From Config
  • Power Fail
  • Troubled
  • Errors
  • Recent Events: The most recent events associated with this group are populated and displayed here.
    Single View
    Tapping on an event card will reveal additional information. Tapping the “View All Events” card at the end of the sequence will navigate to the group’s events on the Events page.

    When the user is on the single view page, new events will be automatically processed and cause the page to refresh when applicable. Simulate Inputs: Send “simulate input” commands to the controller. The controller will attempt to conduct these inputs. Note that some inputs will only work when corresponding modules are attached to the group.

    Actions include:
  • Request to Exit
  • Door Sensor
  • Switch 1
  • Switch 2
  • Button 1
  • Button 2
  • Dead Bolt
  • Card Scan
  • Inter-Hub Signal Button

    Events Page

    When Flex Assistant is connected to the controller, events will be automatically sent to the app in real time. Events in the queue are processed every second in real time.

    The Events page displays an event group card for every door group.

    When selecting an event group, all events of that group are displayed. Additionally, the page will automatically refresh if new events are processed for the selected group.
    Events Main 2
    Selecting an event card will open a modal with additional information, including:
    • Event date/time
    • Category
    • Type
    • Is Simulated?
    • Description of the event
    • Details
    Events Details



    Settings are accessible by selecting the icon on the top-right of the app.


    The refresh option will manually refresh the data displayed on the page. Alternatively, the app can be refreshed by pulling the page down and releasing.
    Technical Support Page:

    The Technical Support page displays a log of the Flex Assistant’s current process.

    This will include error reporting and workflow troubleshooting logs specific to the mobile application. Additionally, the support log can also be sent as an email to the support team.

    Note that additional troubleshooting features specific to the Flex II controller are available on the System page.
    About Page:

    Displayed here is the following information:
    • Android version
    • Firmware versions
    • Communicator serial
    • Controller serial

    Events Section:

    Clear All Events: This action will clear all cached events from Flex Assistant. Note that this doesn’t clear events recorded on the CyberAudit-Web server.
    Settings Events
    CyberAudit-Web Section:

    This section configures Flex Assistant to interact with the CyberAudit-Web server. Three things are required to successfully connect and authenticate with the server:
    • Server Address: Your CyberAudit-Web server address.
    • Account Name: The default account can be used by selecting the corresponding radio button.
    • Issue Number: A valid issue number from the Portable Links section of CyberAudit-Web. Please review the Portable Links section for more information on how to generate an issue number for the Flex Assistant.
    Settings CAW
    Issue Number: After providing the server address and account name, tapping any CyberAudit-Web related action, such as “Test Network Connection” or “Check Firmware”, will prompt the user to enter an issue number if the mobile device has not been authenticated. Follow the prompts to authenticate with your server. Settings Issue 1
    If your server is configured with self-sign certificates, additional dialog will appear asking if you wish to trust the server. Tap “Trust Anyway”. Settings Issue 2
    After authenticating your mobile device, all CyberAudit-Web related actions will now be accessible. Available actions: Settings Issue 3
    • Test Network Connection: Tests Flex Assistant’s connection with the CyberAudit-Web server. Note that this does not test the controller’s connection with the server.
    • Check Firmware: Updates the expected firmware versions from the server. These values will be used to compare with the controller’s current firmware versions. This action is automatically performed in the background after every initial app load.
    Additionally, performing the “Upload Config File” and “Update Firmware Files” actions on the System page will prompt the user for the issue number if the mobile device has not yet been authenticated.


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