
CyberAudit Link

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/assets/img/kb/cyberLink-logo.png The CyberAudit Link app

CyberAudit Link, available in both Android and iOS, is a mobile application designed to provide a complete communication path between the CyberKey Blue 2 or 3 and a CyberAudit-Web server. This application allows users to...

  • Remotely download audit trail data and upload to server.
  • Manage and update .
  • Program and communicate with CyberKeys using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).
  • Manage CyberKey activation and expiration date data.

Function Android iOS
Availability Google Play Store Apple App Store
Minimum OS version 6.0 9
Bluetooth CyberKey Programming Yes Yes
CyberLock Programmer II
Capture notes with a photo
Log in and edit CyberLock records
Capture photo
Capture geo-location
Capture notes with a photo
Log in and edit CyberLock Blue records
Capture photo
Capture geo-location
Capture notes with a photo
Yes Yes
Automatically close mission feature
Maintain connection feature
Yes Yes
Program CyberKeys with IR Encoder 10 Yes  
Program a fob with an IR Encoder 10 Yes  

Setting up and using Bluetooth CyberKeys with CyberAudit Link

A CyberKey Blue 2, Blue 3, or CyberKey Flash pairs or bonds with an Android or iOS device via its Bluetooth® radio for downloading and configuring. Android uses an app from the Google Play Store and requires Android 4.4 or later. Android 6.0 or later is required for the BLE option and also for the connecting to the CyberLock Programmer II. iOS uses an app from the App Store and requires iOS 9 or later. Both apps are called CyberAudit Link.

Communications are generally reliable at ranges to 3 meters, line of sight. Communications may still occur at longer distances and with some obstructions but reliability may suffer.

Follow these steps to set up a CyberKey Blue 2, Blue 3, or CyberKey Flash with an Android or iOS device.

1 Prior to use, charge the CyberKey until it is fully charged. When inserted into a charger, or a USB Station the key's red LED will flash once per second to indicate it is charging. When its charge is complete it will flash once every 2 seconds.
usb station
2 Issue a key to a person. Add the key by issue number or serial number.
3 Select "Portable Links" from the "Communicators" menu.
4 Add a Portable Link. Select "Android/iOS (CyberAudit-Link)" from the dropdown. If the selected type is incorrect, it will adjust to the correct selection after issuing. Select a person to issue to, if the person is known and entered in people. Click "Save" when finished.

Note: If the person selected has an email or mobile number, you may send them an Issue Number link.
5 Download and install the Android app CyberAudit-Link from the Google Play Store or the iOS app from the App Store. Screen shots are shown for the Android app but functionality for the iOS app is similar.
Both the Android and iOS apps require location permission to use Bluetooth. In addition Android 12 requires permission to connect to Nearby Devices. Setting location to Always Allow is required on Android to enable CyberAudit Link to scan for CyberKeys to automatically close a mission or check for new audit events.
CALAndroidPerms.png    CALAndroidBatt.png    CALPermissionsiOS.png
6 Launch CyberAudit Link, click the app menu icon, and select Settings.



Enter the URL of the CyberAudit-Web server and the account name if it is not the default account.
Note: If the portable link is issued to a person with an email or mobile number, you may send an Issue Number link which will automatically enter the URL and account and capture the required token from the server.
7 Click the button to scan for CyberKeys.
8 This will bring up a list of any Gen2 CyberKeys keys in range. Tap one of them to pair with the device.
9 When the pairing is completed, the paired CyberKey will appear in CyberAudit Link's main screen.
10 Tap on the CyberKey in the CyberAudit Link's main screen. It will connect to the key and display a list of actions to perform on the key. Click Configure with Server to program the key.
11 If prompted, enter the issue number for the Bluetooth Android or iOS device created in step 4 above. If you issued the key with an issue number in step 2, enter that issue number when prompted on the next screen.
12 When the CyberKey is successfully programmed, CyberAudit Link will show a success screen. The main page will then show the key with the person's name to whom it was issued.
programSuccess.png namedKey.jpg

Additional notes for CyberAudit Link
renameRemove.jpg keyActions.jpg techSupport.png

Press and Hold a paired key in the list to rename the key or to un-pair it from the phone.

Additional actions include Activate and Deactivate. Mobile Delayed Activation may be set in CyberAudit-Web. This feature prevents the key from opening CyberLocks until activated by a mobile device running the CyberAudit Link app.

The app can also deactivate a CyberKey Blue 2 regardless of its Delayed Activation setting in CyberAudit-Web. Deactivating a key may be useful when a key is left unattended during charging or other times.

The Beep feature may be useful to locate the key or select it from a group of similar keys.


A log of communication activity is available under Technical Support in the application menu.


This may be useful for troubleshooting communication issues between the CyberKey and CyberAudit-Web. Data in this screen may be copied to the clipboard and pasted into an email. Click Clear to erase the contents of the screen.

CyberAudit Link Options
The Settings screen offers several additional options for using the app.
  • Remember key account information: If CyberAudit Link is to be used with multiple accounts, it may be toggled to remember successful connections to each of them in order to switch from one account to another.
    • Check on the box to remember key account information.
    • When checked, a CyberKey will be associated with a given account. When associated, CyberAudit-Link will automatically switch to use that account when the associated key is used.
  • Automatically close missions when they expire: This option is set on the server but appears on this page for the user's information. When a mission is used with a CyberKey, CyberAudit Link can attempt to contact the CyberKey to close the mission when it is expired.
    • The CyberKey Bluetooth radio must be on and the key must be in Bluetooth range for CyberAudit Link to successfully connect to the key and close the mission.
    • Supported CyberKeys for this feature include the Blue 2, Blue 3, and Flash.
    • On Android, this feature will automatically run in the background and attempt to close the mission when it is expired.
    • On iOS, when CyberAudit Link is in the background a push notification will appear when the mission expires reminding the user to close the mission. Tapping the notification opens the app and searches for the CyberKey.
  • Maintain Connection with the CyberKey Blue 3 - Again this option is set on the server but appears on this page for the user's information. When this is enabled, CyberAudit Link will not close the Bluetooth connection to the key once it is established. If the connection is lost, CyberAudit Link will try once to re-establish connection with the key.
  • Bluetooth Mode: CyberKey Blue 2 and CyberKey Flash support Bluetooth 4.2. Both Classic and BLE modes are supported.
    • CyberKey Blue 3 supports only BLE with Android 6.0 or later. iOS supports only BLE.
    • By default, CyberAudit Link for Android uses the Classic mode with keys it can by default because it is noticeably faster and power consumption is about the same.
    • Android 6.0 and later also supports BLE. The Android version of CyberAudit Link may be switched to use only Classic mode Bluetooth if desired.

Editing Lock Records and Capturing Notes

CyberAudit Link can edit records and capture notebook notes for CyberLock Blue. CyberAudit Link Android can do the same with all CyberLocks when using a CyberLock Programmer II.

The edit icon for a lock on Android
View Notes from the menu on Android

Edit Lock or View Notes on iOS
A login is required to edit lock records. edit2.jpg iOSLogin.jpg
  Android Login iOS Login
edit3.jpg iOSEditLock.jpg
Lock edit pages from Android and iOS

Additional links

Using a CyberLock Programmer II
CyberKey Products
CyberKey Behavior
CyberKey Vaults
Adding a Portable Link
Audit Trail Events from CyberKeys
Programming CyberLocks with Gen2 Keys


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