
CAW Connect

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/assets/img/kb/cawConnect-logo.png CAW Connect

CAW Connect is a mobile application available on both Android and iOS platforms. Designed to be a window into CyberAudit-Web, the app allows users to view and manage supported modules and perform actions. Features include the following:

  • Doors:
    • View Audit Trail
    • View Properties
    • Request to Open
    • Suspend/Resume Hold Open
  • Inter-Hub Signals:
    • Cancel Active Signals
    • Send Signal
  • Locks:
    • View Audit Trail
    • View Properties
  • People:
    • View Audit Trail
    • View Properties
    • Grant Temporary Access
  • View Context Help documentation
  • Capture Geolocation Coordinates for Communicators, Locks, and Doors (requires the Maps and Location Graphics SEM)


Home Page

CAW Connect supports managing data for Doors, Inter-hub Signals, Locks, and People/CyberKeys. Common functions are displayed on the home page. cawConnect-home.png
Granting temporary access for a user can be easily done on the Home Page by selecting the desired person. cawConnect-home-temp-access.png
Tapping the "Open" button in the Context Help section will redirect you to the Context Help Topics documentation. cawConnect-home-context-help.JPEG
Tapping the "Open" button in the Geolocator Tool section will redirect you to the Geolocator Tool. cawConnect-home-geolocation.JPEG
Hundreds of CyberAudit-Web documentation pages are available in the Context Help section. Additional navigation actions are available on the top of the rendered page. cawConnect-context-help-2.jpg

Geolocator Tool

The Geolocator Tool allows users to capture the geolocational coordinates for Communicators, Locks, and Doors. The Maps and Location Graphics SEM is required in order to access this tool. cawConnect-geolocation-1.PNG
Permissions to access the device's locational features is required. After granting permissions, the current location will be calculated. The precision of the geolocational coordinates are based on your device's location settings. cawConnect-geolocation-2.PNG

After calculating the location, corresponding items will be selected for this particular location. Multiple items can be assigned to a particular location. cawConnect-geolocation-4.JPEG
Tapping the "Save" button will save the user's changes. The results of the action will be displayed afterwards. cawConnect-geolocation-6.JPEG


Module Management (Doors, Locks, and People)

The user can navigate to the Doors, Locks, and People pages to view relevant data.

Tapping on an entry will open up available options, like sending a Request to Exit signal to a door and attempt to open it.

Request to Open Prompt:

Properties Page:

There are a few main components to the Properties page:
  • Title Section: Displays the item's name and its current photo, if uploaded. Additional actions can be found here as well, like viewing the item's audit trail.
  • Properties Section: Displays an item's attributes.
  • Access List Section: When viewing a Lock or a Door, the access list will display people in the system who have access to the item. When viewing a Person, the access list tables will display accessible locks and doors. Entries in the access list can be selected and navigated to directly from the Properties page.

CyberKey Table:


Additionally, when viewing a Person's properties, a CyberKey table will display all CyberKeys configured for the user.
View Audit Trail Page:

Certain filter options are available when viewing audit trails.
  • Doors:
    • Date Range: Filter from a certain date range.
    • Door Access Summary: View a summarized audit trail of access and access attempts for this door.
    • Door Access Report: View a robust audit trail report. This includes access-related events, Flash Access events, and more.
  • Locks:
    • Date Range: Filter from a certain date range.
    • Data from fobs, CyberKeys, Flash Access, and FlashLock Assistant: View a comprehensive audit trail report.
    • Data downloaded from locks: View CyberLock data that was downloaded from the lock itself.
  • People:
    • Date Range: Filter from a certain date range.
    • View battery, reset, and error events: Include this subset of CyberKey events into the audit trail report.
    • View key communication events: Include CyberKey communication events into the audit trail report.
Temporary Access Page:

Temporary access can be issued for a person/CyberKey through the app as well.

Tap an entry on the Person page and choose 'Temporary Access' in the menu. From there, locks can be chosen for temporary access.

Locks can be granted access for intervals of minutes, hours, and days.
cawConnect-person.jpg cawConnect-temp-access.png

Additional links

Doors in CyberAudit-Web
About CyberLocks
About FlashLocks
Information About CyberKeys
Inter-hub Signal Listing Page
Audit trails for Doors
CyberKey and CyberLock audit trail events
Audit Trails from FlashLocks and Fobs


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