
Lost Subsystem Keys

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..//assets/img/kb/lost.png Lost Subsystem Keys

Follow these steps if a master key is lost:

1 Select "Subsystem Keys" from the "Keys" menu.
subsystem key select
2 Select the section with the lost master key under the correct subsystem.
master key select
properties master key
3 Choose "Propertes" for the lost master key.
4 Click the "Edit" icon (edit icon) in the "Lost Key" section.
lost key section
lost key locks
5 Select "This key is lost" and choose which locks will be set as disabling points. Click the "Save" button when finished.
lost key section with disabling locks
6 The "Lost Key" section will display how many locks are set as disabling points. Click the "disabling locks" link to view them. The disabling locks need to be updated - click the link to configure a Programming Job.

Lost keys have a lost key symbol symbol in their row in the keys list page.
7 Update the Programmer Key or Grand Master using the Programming Job associated with the lost key.
8 Touch the locks designated as disabling points.
9 Update the Programmer Key or Grand Master again.
10 The change icons will clear for the disabling points.
11 If the key is updated, it will be disabled and the change icon will clear on the Keys page.
lost key symbol no change icon

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