Note: - This feature works only with Generation 1 CyberKeys with an IR port. Temporary Activation is a current alternative to this feature and works both with both Generation 1 and Generation 2 CyberKeys. Grand Master CyberKeys are no longer manufactured.
Grand Masters can create emergency keys that open any locks added within their subsystem. The keys created are master keys that operate 24-7 until they expire. The exception to this is for locks added with no subsystem code. Valid operating times include:
- 1 - 64 minutes
- 1 - 24 hours
- 1 - 127 days
Finally, Grand Masters in this mode must be activated by contacting a CyberLock before they will program the emergency keys. After that contact, they will be active for two minutes as indicated by their LED that flashes every second. Programming a key restarts the two minute timer in the Grand Master. After the 2 minutes elapses, the LED flashes once every two seconds.