
Marking a Mission as Lost

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..//assets/img/kb/lost.png Marking A Mission As Lost


When an active mission is marked as lost, an entry for the key that is currently active is added to the system with the settings for that mission. The name of the new entry will be a copy of the key serial with "LOST:" prepended. lostMissionlist.png
The mission will be automatically completed and may be immediately reused (if a recurring mission) or reopened (if a one-time mission). missionReplaced.png
Changes made to the lost settings for the key should be made to the key itself. If the lost key is recovered you can either edit the key entry so it is no longer lost or delete the entry. If the key is marked as "not lost" the key will be returned to the pool of unissued keys available for missions.". ck-usbsmall

Related Topics:

Marking a Key as Lost and Setting Disable Points
Marking a Key as Not Lost

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