Some Generation 2 CyberKeys have an accelerometer which can detect gentle taps. These taps are used for different purposes depending on the model of the key.
- CyberKey Air:
- To cause the key to check in with CyberAudit-Web. When the correct number of taps are detected, CyberKey Air will emit a 1 second mid-tone beep and attempt to connect to CyberAudit-Web within 3 seconds.
- CyberKey Blue 2 and CyberKey Flash:
- If so configured, these keys will enable their Bluetooth® radio, after it detects 3 taps. They will emit a 1 second mid-tone beep followed by two short high beeps with blue LED flashes to indicate their bluetooth radio has been enabled. After 2 minutes of inactivity they turn off the radio.
CyberKey Air2 has no accelerometer.
Generally the key does not recognize taps against hard surfaces. It responds better to surfaces that cushion the impact somewhat. Holding the key by the tip and tapping the case against your thigh or the palm of your hand will typically generate the 'tap' event. The key may not recognize every physical tap. Tap at a brisk pace and keep tapping until the key emits the desired tone.