
Generation 2 CyberKey Tones and LEDs

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..//assets/img/kb/musicnote.png Generation 2 CyberKey Tones and LEDs

Generation 2 CyberKeys have a beeper that can emit a tone at a given frequency. In addition, they have sets of Red and Blue LEDs on each side plus a Blue LED inside the key tip. The beeper and LEDs indicate something about CyberKey operations.

Beeper tone frequencies range from a value of 1 (lowest) to 13 (highest). In the table below, a Tone Set is a combination of tone frequencies and durations for those tones. Durations are shown in 1/10 second increments.

Internal Key Operations

Name Description Indicates Tone Set LEDs
Key restart Short medium low tone. No LEDs The key is starting up following a reboot or a firmware update 4,2 No LEDs
Key has no keyscript file at startup Quick (2/10 second) high tone repeated 5 times followed by the same tone at 1.2 seconds Key must be updated using a Generation 2 communicator such as a USB Station, ValidiKey, or Bluetooth® PDA. 10,2
repeat 5 times
Red LED both sides with each tone
Low Battery Warning A low-mid 9/10 second tone tone once every eight seconds for one minute with red LEDs The key read its battery either during a lock opening or at the beginning of an hour and found it below the low battery threshold. 4,9
repeated every 8 seconds for 1 minute
Red LEDs both sides
Key Expired A mid-tone beep every second with red LEDs until the key is placed into a charger or expiration is updated. The key has been configured to beep after expiration and the key has expired. A Vault like ValidiKey 2 will set the key to behave this way if the key is removed illegally from the vault. 7,8
repeated every second
Red LEDs both sides
Lost power recovery Single 4/10 second low tone every 10 seconds for 5 minutes If the key loses power due to a dead battery it will delay a full startup for five minutes to allow time for the battery to build up some charge. During this time it will sound this tone every ten seconds. 4,4 No LEDs
Key charging
Quick red LED flash every 700ms while in the charger The key's battery is charging No tones Short duration red LEDs every 700 ms (fast)
Key charging
Quick red LED flash every 1 second The key's battery is charging Red LEDs every 1 second
Key charged
Quick red LED flash every two seconds while in the charger The key's battery is fully charged No tones Short duration red LEDs both sides every two seconds
Key charged
Quick red LED flash every three seconds while in the charger The key's battery is fully charged No tones Short duration red LEDs both sides every three seconds
Key reset Quick down-sweep tone. No LEDs The key is going down for a reboot due to an unexpected condition 9,1
System restart Three distinct tones each 2/10 second high, medium, low The key software is restarting because it received an update during communications or it is attempting to clear an error condition. 12,2

Tones and LEDs from contact with a CyberLock or CyberPoint

Name Description Indicates Tone Set LEDs
Access Denied to lock Rapid high/low tone repeated 21 times. Red LED alternates between top and bottom. Access denied after contact with a lock. 4,4
...repeated 20 times
Red LED alternates sides
Open delay or key in lock for 1 minute High tone for 8/10 second and no LEDs If the key touches a lock with an open delay the key will emit this tone to indicate the start of the delay countdown. If a key is left in a lock for more than 1 minute, the key will emit this tone. 13,8 No LEDs
Event file reports as full Three quick mid then low tones When a Gen 2 CyberKey touches a CyberLock it first checks the status of its events file to see if it reports as full. It emits these tones if it reports full then attempts to record an error event. 10, 3
3, 3
repeated twice
Red LEDs during high tones
No Bluetooth connection with CyberAudit Link app to CyberKey Blue 3. High low tone The CyberKey is configured in its behavior settings to require an active Bluetooth connection to open a CyberLock but currently has no connection. This could occur if CyberAudit-Link is not configured to maintain a connection in preferences. 10,5
Red LEDs during tones

Tones and LEDs from user actions

Name Description Indicates Tone Set LEDs
Synchronization instruction received One mid tone with a duration of one second CyberKey Air may be instructed to synchronize with CyberAudit-Web by tapping the key a specified number of times within a specified number of seconds. 10, 10 No LEDs
CyberKey Activated Two quick mid tones then quick one high tone The CyberKey was set to use delayed activation and one of the criteria was met to activate the key. 7, 2
0, 1
7, 2
0, 1
13, 2
Blue LED one side, red LED other side, red LED first side
CyberKey Blue 2 or CyberKey Flash deactivated One quick high tone then two quick mid tones The CyberKey was deactivated using the CyberAudit Link application 13, 2
0, 1
7, 2
0, 1
7, 2
Blue LED one side, red LED other side, red LED first side

Wifi connection tones and LEDs for CyberKey Air and CyberKey Air2

Name Description Indicates Tone Set LEDs
Wifi connection startup Single low tone for 2/10 second with blue LEDs both sides The key is beginning the process of connecting to CyberAudit-Web via wLAN 2,2
Blue LEDs both sides
Connected to wLAN Two 2/10 second mid-tone beeps with blue LED flashes The key has found and joined a wireless network 5,2
Blue LEDs both sides with each tone
No known wireless network found Single 2/10 second mid-tone followed by a 2/10 second low tone both with red LED flashes This occurs when the key scans for wireless networks but doesn't find one that matches anything in its list of known wLANs. This will only occur after the Wifi connection startup tone. 5,2
Red LEDs both sides
Wifi up Blue LED flash every second The key's wifi radio is turned on connected to a wireless network or is serving an adhoc network on the key. Note: Network communication activity with CyberAudit-Web will cause the flashing to become irregular and less frequent. There are no tones indicating the radio is up however tones may occur during network communications with CyberAudit-Web. Blue LED flash both sides once per second while communications are idle
Firmware update loading Single 1/10 second mid/high tone repeated every half second or so after connecting to CyberAudit-Web The beep occurs after receiving 40 network packets. Timing or number of tones could vary depending on network conditions or server configuration. On average in good networking conditions in will be 19 beeps in 16 seconds, immediately followed by the system restart tones. 10,1 No LEDs
Wifi radio turned off One half-second high tone beep and one half-second low tone beep with blue LEDs This will occur only after the key has connected to a wifi network or after the key has turned on its own adhoc network. 10,5
Blue LED both sides

Beeps and LEDs with CyberAudit-Web communications

Name Description Indicates Tone Set LEDs
Lock download record uploaded Single 1/10 second high tone repeated for each lock download record accepted by CyberAudit-Web. Each lock download record holds up to 1100 raw audit trail records. 12,1 No LEDs
Successful connection to CyberAudit-Web One half-second low tone beep and one half-second high tone beep with blue LEDs Indicates the key sent a packet and received a successful response from CyberAudit-Web 3,5
Blue LED flash both sides
Key configuration saved Two mid-tones each 8/10 second in duration with blue LEDs. Indicates the configuration instructions sent by the key were received and loaded and audit events were cleared. 8,7
Blue LEDs both sides
Key uploaded One mid-tones beep 8/10 second in duration with blue LEDs. Indicates the key uploaded its data and audit events were cleared. There was no change to the key configuraton. 8,7
Blue LEDs both sides

Additional Topics:
CyberKey product info
Adding CyberKey Air to a system
Wireless Networks
WiFi Behavior Settings
Tapping a CyberKey Air
CyberKey Air Battery Management
CyberKey Air error codes

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