CyberKey Air and other Gen 2 CyberKeys capture and record error conditions which may be used for troubleshooting. They may be viewed in the key's audit trail. All error conditions are recorded as an event 64 and include an error number. Some useful errors are described in the table below. A code point may also be included which indicates the place in the key's software where the error was generated. The code point may be useful to the factory to help troubleshoot certain issues.
Error Code | Name | Additional Notes |
5 | DFWriteFail | Data Flash Write Fail |
6 | DFReadFail | Data Flash Read Fail |
7 | DFEraseFail | Data Flash Erase Fail |
19 | FileSystemFull | |
20 | OutOfMemory | |
41 | EventFileFull | |
43 | EventCorruptFile | |
44 | NoScript | The key is missing part of its operating software. It must be reprogrammed from a communicator. |
45 | DBFile_corrupt | One of the key's lookup files is corrupt. The key must be reprogrammed from a communicator |
46 | DBFile_corruptRecord | A record in one of the keys' lookup files is corrupt. The key must be reprogrammed from a communicator. |
94 | LockCommFail | Communication with a CyberLock was interrupted. This is likely due to poor contact. |
95 | WifiLoPower | The battery is too low to power the wifi radio |
108 | WFAuthFail | Wifi authentication failed |
122 | FLCommFail | FlashLock Communication Failed |
123 | CorruptSer | Corrupt FlashLock serial number |
128 | RespTimeout | FlashLock response timeout |
128 | PayLTimeout | FlashLock response payload timeout |
130 | RespCorrupt | FlashLock response corrupt |
138 | RadioProb | Problem talking to the wifi radio module |
140 | DNSFail | Failed to convert hostname to IP address |
141 | SockIOErr | TCP/IP send or recv error |
142 | ConnAborted | The ATWINC1500 radio uses this for many different types of connection failures. No other detail is provided by the radio. However it is typical when the radio is unable to process the server's TLS certificate. See also error 157. |
157 | SockAbrtCl | This code is used when the radio gives SockConnAborted during a TLS connection and the key clock had stopped or the year was less than 2018. The connection might have failed due to certificate begin or expiration dates. |
161 | ZeroCerts | The loaded TLS certificate data had zero certificate authorities (only the 20 byte header). This means TLS connections are guarnteed to fail and thus the attempt was refused. |
170 | FLUnknoEvt | FlashLock Unknown Event |
175 | LockDLFull | Unable to capture downloaded data from a CyberLock in Gen2 mode because there is not enough space on the key to hold it. |
176 | LockEvtAddr | CyberLock in Gen2 mode - corrupt event address |
178 | WrongLLFmt | A lock list entry for a CyberLock does not match the current mode of the lock. For example the CyberLock may be in Gen2 mode but the lock list entry is for Gen1 or vice versa. |
179 | WrongCfFmt | Programming instructions for a CyberLock do not match the current mode of the lock. |
211 | G2LNoKAcc | A CyberLock in Gen2 mode refused access to the key |
218 | G2LBadEE | A CyberLock in Gen2 mode reports its EEprom is corrupt |
Error Codes with Wifi Communications
Error Code | Name | Additional Notes |
66 | Wifi_InvalidSSID | |
68 | Wifi_InvalidSecurityKey | |
69 | Wifi_InvalidDomain | |
70 | Wifi_InvalidAPRetryCount | |
71 | Wifi_InvalidBeaconTimeout | |
72 | Wifi_InvalidAutoDisconnectSeconds | |
73 | Wifi_InvalidIP | |
74 | Wifi_InvalidNetmask | |
75 | Wifi_InvalidGateway | |
76 | Wifi_InvalidDNS1 | |
77 | Wifi_InvalidDNS2 | |
78 | Wifi_InvalidChannels | |
79 | Wifi_ConnectionFailed | |
80 | Wifi_ConnectionLost | |
81 | Wifi_ConnectionTemporarilyLost | Indicates an intermittent or weak connection. |
82 | Wifi_ConnectTimeout | Failed to connect to its wifi network within 20 seconds of trying. |
89 | Timedout | Occurs when the key connects to its wireless network but gets no response from CyberAudit-Web. If the key gets three of these it will restart itself. |
90 | ConnectionLost | |
102 | SSLFail | The CyberKey Air requires SSLv3. It cannot negotiate TLS. (This error does not apply to CyberKey Air2 |
103 | KeyTipHTTPFail | An error occured when programming the key through the key tip or IR port. |
104 | BeaconTimeout | May indicate a weak signal |
105 | DeauthReceived | |
106 | DisassociateReceived | |
107 | JoinFailed | |
108 | AuthenticationFailed | |
109 | AssociationFailed | |
110 | PSKCalcFailed | |
111 | PSKHandshakeFailed | |
112 | AdhocJoinFailed | |
113 | SecurityMismatch | |
114 | NoSuitableAccessPointFound | |
-106 | HTTP_Error | Error code from an http response is contained
in the first two bytes of the code point, represented as a hexidecimal string. 206 -> Remote Access Denied 207 -> Unsecure Access Denied 209 -> Unknown account 210 -> Account suspended |
150 | CertLoadFail | Invalid certificate data in key. |
151 | CertRD | Failed to verify certificate data from the wifi radio |
152 | CertWR | Failed to write certificate data to the wifi radio |
153 | CertInterrupted | A command was received by the radio while busy reading/writing certificate data |
154 | CertDataMalformed | Certificate data stored on the key's file system is invalid |
Additional Topics: CyberKey Air product info Adding CyberKey Air to a system Wireless Networks |
WiFi Behavior Settings Tapping a CyberKey Air Beeps, Tones, and LEDs CyberKey Air Battery Management |