
Master Keys in CyberAudit-Web

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A CyberKey may be granted master access to all locks which use a particular access code. When a CyberKey is designated as a master key, it can open any lock programmed with that access code without having a schedule set in the Access Matrix.

In this way, a master key normally has full access, but its access times can be restricted to a lock. To further restrict or deny access to selected locks, the administrator can create a schedule to assign to the master key in which locks are combined with more restrictive or "No Access" privileges.

By default, a master key operates at all times and all days. The operating time may be further restricted to operate only during the time frames of a selected schedule.

Administrators may choose to use master keys because:

  • Master keys are easier to create and manage when a key is to open certain groups or all CyberLocks in the system.
  • New locks are being added to the system that the key must open but it is inconvenient to add the additional permissions and update the key.
  • The number of locks a CyberKey must open exceeds 3300.

Related Topics:
Subsystem Master Keys
Grand Master Keys
Reset Keys

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