
Issue Numbers

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..//assets/img/kb/1234.png Issue Numbers

An issue number is a unique, 8-digit number generated by CyberAudit-Web and linked to the key holder's record. With Issue Numbers, the administrator can give the key holder any CyberKey not already in the system.
usb station small   CKB-IR10Small.jpg
When the the CyberKey is presented to a Communicator, it will prompt the user for an "ISSUE#". When a valid Issue Number is entered, the CyberKey will be programmed with the access privileges granted by the administrator. During this communication, the CyberKey's ID will replace the Issue Number in the key record.
Issue numbers are also used to register Portable Link communicators with the system where the communicator captures a token from the server. It uses the token from that point forward to authenticate with the server.
Adding People and Keys
Issue Number Links

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