
Keys and Missions List

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..//assets/img/kb/cyberkey.png Keys and Missions


This page contains information pertaining to keys and missions.

Table Fields:

  • Change Icon - If the system has information for the key but the key has not yet been updated, a icon appears in the column. Clicking on the icon brings up a page showing the general categories of update that caused the change icon to appear.
  • Lost Key - If a key is marked as lost, a lost key icon will appear in this field.
  • Person - The name of the person associated with the key or mission. If the key has no associated person, it appears as not issued. Keys not associated with a vault but previously used in a mission or issued to a person will appear with not issued as the person. CyberKeys may also be added to the system without associating them with a person. A key in this state may not be granted access permissions.
  • Key Name - The name of the key or mission.
  • Serial, Issue, or Mission # - The unique identifier of the key or mission.
  • Subsystem - The subsystem to which the key belongs.
  • Next Expiration - The date after which the key or mission will no longer work.
  • Master of Access Code - If the key is a master key, it can open any lock programmed with the same access code unless it is restricted from certain locks or during certain times.


  • Page Navigation is controlled by page navigation tools.
    They enable browsing to the first and last pages, selecting a page to jump to, or the number of keys per page.
  • toolbar - Use the toolbar to add or remove a record. Go to the People page to manage visibility.
  • printer.svg - Click this button to create a printable report for the current list.

Clicking in a non-linked section of a record will display a drop-down menu of operations:

key list properties

  • properties icon Properties - Displays editable details of the selected key.
  • Audit icon Audit Report - Generates a lock access audit trail logged for the selected key.
  • ..//assets/img/kb/report.png Comm Log - Generates a report of key status for the key issued to this person. The report includes data logged by communicators when a CyberKey is downloaded.
  • mission.png Mission Log - When the selected row is a mission, this menu item brings up a report of when the mission has been checked out and checked in.
  • user_1.png Issued To - Brings up the properties page for the person record attached to the key or mission.
  • accessible locks Accessible Locks - Generates a report of all the locks the key or mission has access to via which type of access.
  • //assets/img/kb/journal.png Journal - Brings up the Journal of Changes to view a list of edits on the current record.
  • book.png Notebook - View existing notes or create a new note about the selected CyberKey or mission.

filterIcon.png A filter is available on this page.

Related Topics:

About CyberKeys
Add a Person
Downloading Locks
Information About CyberKeys
Lost Keys
People Tags
Updating Keys
When a Key Touches a Lock

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