
CyberKey Product Documents

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..//assets/img/kb/cyberkey.png CyberKey Product Documents

CyberKeys are electronic keys used to operate CyberLocks.

There are two "families" of CyberKeys, all of which may be integrated into CyberAudit-Web to access, program, and download locks. Examples of each are shown below. A Key Comparison document describes the difference between them.

These documents are common to all keys:
CyberKey Product Info
Rechargeable Battery Management
CyberLock Cleaning
Tips for Using a CyberKey

CK-BLUE2Small.png CK-FLASHSmall.jpg CK-AIR2small.png CK-USBSmall.png
CK-BLUE3Small.jpg CKR-X2Small.png CKR-GOSmall.png
Generation 2 CyberKey documents
CyberKey Air Battery Management
Beeps and Tones
Gen 2 key Error Codes

Generation 1 CyberKey Blue Generation 1 CK-IR7 CyberKey     CK-X2Small.png
CyberKey Blue documents: Generation 1 CK-IR7 and CK-X CyberKey documents:
Setup - Android Battery Cap Removal for CK-IR7
  CyberKey Tones

CK-RXD.png CyberKey II
Generation 1 CyberKey Rechargeable LED Flash Guide

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