CyberAudit-Web Global Schedules
CyberAudit-Web includes three global schedules which cannot be removed or edited. These special schedules are called No-Open, Full Access, and Block Access.
- Assigning a No-Open schedule to a person will not allow them to open any of the locks contained in the lock list, but will record whether or not the person contacted the lock. No-Open schedules may be useful for security guard rounds where an audit is required pairing a location with a time and date. Creating a standard schedule and using the No-Open schedule to assign to a security guard enables the guard to use the same key to both open locks they need to access (such as the lock on the door of the employee entrance and their personal locker) and to record that security checkpoints were visited during the times they needed to be checked. No-Open schedules are valid at all times, including holidays.
- The Full Access schedule is valid at all times, including holidays.
- The Block Access schedule exists to block all access permissions granted to a lock. When this schedule is assigned to a lock in the Access Matrix it will prevent a person from accessing that lock.