
Export Foreign Locks

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..//assets/img/kb/foreignLockIcon.png Export Foreign Locks

Follow these steps:

1 Ensure Foreign Locks is enabled for the account in Database General Settings.
2 Select "Export" from the "Locks" menu.
3 Select the shared access code from the drop-down list. From the list, select the locks to be exported. Use the item chooser to move them from the Available column to the Selected column. Click Make File to create and save the export file.
4 Pass the file and, if necessary, the shared password or exported access code to an administrator in the target system.
other system


  • Create a new Access Code that is used only for the Foreign Locks. For extra security, go to the CyberAudit-Web server where the foreign locks will be imported and add the access code so the password is not known by administrators of the other system.
  • Set the Secondary Access Code of the locks to be exported to the new Access Code. This is not required but it is safer.
  • Give the locks descriptive names based on their location that will be easier to recognize in the importing system.

Importing foreign locks

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